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Helloooo my dear readers! Welcome to my new book 😋

I just wanted to have an introduction (like I have in almost all of my other books) before we start this thing up officially.

If you're here I would first just like to thank you for the bottom of my heart! It means the world that I have your support and I will cherish it as I continue to make content for you.

As I've said many times before this book will actually be mirroring the real life of Ross & Laura (with twists and turns and upping the dramatics for good content ofc lol) kind of like what I did with My Favourite Mistake which I know all of you enjoyed.

This book is made out to be a raura shippers dream lol, so if they've got your heart or even if they don't and you're just bored, you're still in the right place!

You read the title and the summary! This is all about tying timing with music! Can't say much of anything else without spoiling the whole damn thing lol.

It's also very much inspired by the words Robin said (HIMYM) in the scene in the media (great show btw I'm obsessed with it tho the ending sucked) because I feel like it fit perfectly here, and for some reason no matter what happened in my life her words would just ring into my head with no specific reason as to why? So I thought why not do something with that.

Also it's a funny coincidence how by the end of Austin and Ally you just learn the whole show is Disney's version of himym lol.

There's a special surprise to this book though!

You've read social media au's, you've read wattpad books, but have you read them both together??

Didn't think so.

That's basically what I'll be doing here! Tying the two together so you get the best of both worlds!

This book will be directly tied to social media (since it very much is based on real life and socials are an important aspect of everyone's life here Ross and Laura's included) and in every new chapter not only will you get to see what happens in the book but also what happens in their social medias while it's happening.

Whether that's a new tweet Laura typed out, or a new post Ross made they will all be edited and be either in the media or somewhere else along the chapters! You get to see every fan reaction first hand making this that much more "realistic"!

For that though imma have to get creative with usernames, so that's where you come in.

If you wanna be included in this as a fan of Ross or Laura just comment here and I'll use your username!

Not promising anything on the pfps tho they'll probably be something random idk lol.

Now I don't have much experience with social media au's and this will probably take a lot of editing and work on my part, but I'll give it my best so I would love if you stuck around for that.

I've got a lot of edits I've made that I'm slightly kinda proud of so I think we're good lol.

Anyways there's not much left to say except I'll start to upload to this book soon, but it is going to take a while because I'm still in the process of writing The moon and the sun, so until that ends chapters will be relatively slow.

Oh, this book is also in third person fwi.

That being said I know one very realistic thing about the Lynchs right now is Stormie's cancer, which is a very heartbreaking topic and I just get sad every time I get a reminder of it. Still praying for her to recover & I'm glad her surgery went well 🙏

Even though I'm sure this illness greatly effects the lives of everyone surrounding Stormie as well as her, I will not be mentioning it in my story. It will not exist there because this is a very important topic and a very very REAL thing that's going on and I don't want to take away from that by making it into a plotline.

It just doesn't sit right with me to write about an illness I have no experience or any knowledgeable of, and I find it a bit insensitive to Stormie and the rest of the Lynchs, so in this story there will be no mention of that 💗

Speaking of illnesses covid is also a very real thing that's been happening and I won't mention that either. It just doesn't exist in this universe lol.

I know it's real & important but how boring would a book about people in quarantine be??? I would assume you guys are reading books so you can escape not be restricted in this universe as well 😭

So at the end of the day I'd say this book will be set in their real lives but there will obviously be changes like the fact that they're both already 25 and Laura being engaged and stuff lol.

I hope you liked the concept and everything else I set up! Doing the artwork for the cover literally took AGES bc I tried SO many different things and did so many edits and literally didn't like anything, and then I edited this one and I was like "That's decent enough" lol.

I'm truly very excited to get started on this one :)

comment and vote so I see that you're here!

love you. will see you soon with my first ever chapter on this new book 💭 get excited! 💋



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Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now