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"Good game bro. That shit was epic" Rocky pat Ross in the back, as he walked past him in the changing rooms.

Ross nodded, smiling as he took off his helmet.

He was sweaty- definitely needed a shower, but finally his team had won a hockey game against another team they didn't know.

It was huge, because despite of their many years of playing hockey, the Lynchs usually lost to professional players.

After all, they weren't at the same level.

While Ross and his brothers had played hockey all their lives, it continued to be a hobby and nothing more.

Their work was something completely different, which meant they put their blood, sweat and tears into their music, and acting, and not hockey - while the guys they were against often played professionally.

He didn't take any loses to heart either- for him it was just a game. He was always smiley after playing hockey, and that's because he loved the sport- it connected him with his childhood in Colorado.

Today wasn't any different, and he was even happier that they actually won this time.

He wasn't sure how the guys managed to find this place in Greece where they could play up against a team, but he was happy that they did - I'd been way too long. He'd been missing that part of him.

Speaking of parts of him, his first thought after winning the game was to tell Laura all about it.

They didn't have a chance to speak this morning since he left with the guys pretty early, but a text wouldn't do any harm.

He knew that he could wait until he went back to the hotel to have that conversation, considering they were just pulling their equipment together, taking showers and leaving, but he was too excited to wait that long.

Besides, he'd gotten off half of his hockey gear, and he was pretty exhausted as he sat on that bench. He didn't really feel like moving.

So with a swift motion, Ross pulled out his phone out of the bag with all his belongings in it.

Immediately, he noticed that she'd beat him to the texting. He had a notification from her about five minutes ago.

He clicked on it, only to face an odd text from her.

His eyebrows immediately furrowed at the sight.

Laur ☀️:

Ross, do you love me?

His heart rate picked up a little. Should he be concerned? Why would she ask that?

Immediately, he typed a message back.

Laur? You okay?

He waited a few minutes for a response, carefully taking off the rest of his gear with concern written all over his face.

He wasn't sure why he was worried. It's not like she'd asked him something abnormal, but this was Laura.

He found the text very off-putting coming from her.

Laur ☀️:

Yes, I'm okay! I was just thinking and ... I guess my thoughts took me to you. I think I'm about to make a big decision, but I need you to confirm that you love me so I have the strength to do it.

His breath caught in his throat.

Are you talking about what I think you're taking about?

Laur ☀️:

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now