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As her turle neck and sweater layed by her feet, she felt thankful to have had a strappy tank top underneath.

The meds had yet to do their job, so she couldn't keep the extra layers because of her high body temperature, met with the warm weather as well.

She was laying down on the couch in the living room and had a wet and cold peace of fabric on her forehead to help keep her temperature in check.

Weakness, nausea, her head throbbing and lightheadedness had taken a toll on her and she couldn't deny that. Ross was just laying on the other couch experiencing the whole thing as well, and it made her feel terrible on the inside too. She couldn't believe she got him sick.

His family had kind of helped them get settled and taken care of them for a bit as they layed there, and she was sure Ross fell asleep for a period of time, and had recently just woken up.

She on the other hand couldn't fall asleep for the life of her. She couldn't exactly relax when there was so many people around making noise, asking what they could do and watching her lay there. No matter how close she was to the family, she felt a bit embarrassed. I mean it's not like there was only them there.. their partners were there too, extra family members...the Lynch household was overpopulated 24/7 in her book.

As she layed there in a crappy mood with her eyes barely open, her phone started ringing.

Ryland, who was sitting by her feet on the couch handed it to her, and she gave him a grateful smile before answering.

"Surprise" she heard her fiancé's voice at the end of the line.

"What?" she spoke up.

The sound of her voice made Ross raise his head from his laying position, and he noticed she had her phone in her hand.

"Is what I would've said if I found you home today" he explained.

"What?" she questioned again, eyebrows raised as surprise took over her face.

"I'm back from Australia babe. Take time to process it" he chuckled "I just got off the flight and went to your house to see if you were back in La yet because I knew you were coming back today too, but she told me you hadn't come back home"

"Aw that's sweet" she smiled "We went to Stormie's for lunch when we got off the flight. I'm not feeling too good so I haven't moved from here in a while"

"What's wrong?" he spoke in that australian accent of his.

"I got sorta sick" she explained, right before she sneezed.

"Bless you" he chuckled, making her roll her eyes as if he could see her.

"Point is it'll take a while before I'm able to get to the boy's house and get my car and come home. Sorry I ruined your surprise" she sighted.

"I'll come get ya don't worry" he spoke up "We can get your car and other stuff another day"

"Other stuff?" she questioned.

"Yeah. Your clothes and the things you might have at their house. I was thinking you can come back home officially for a while so we can be together. I've missed you" he admitted.

"I've missed you too but.. there was a reason I went there in the first place" she explained "While we may be done with the songs and ep, we have an announcement to make, and then after I have to be here for tour rehearsals"

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