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Ps. you might stumble across a video mid-way in the chapter. watch in full screen for the full experience ;)




"Laura" he repeated.

"Yes" she hissed, finally looking up from her book at her fiancé.

He looked down at her sitting on the couch, before narrowing his eyes and turning the other way.

"No" she groaned a little, throwing the book and glasses off her face and on the couch "Wait"

Quickly, she got up, following after him to step in front of him in the kitchen.

He stopped walking- a small glare in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" she immediately apologized, staring up at him "I'm being rude"

"And annoying" he agreed.

"That too" she licked her lips, nodding.

"What's wrong with you? Film day with blonde boy didn't go over well? What are you so pissed about? Were you even reading that book? Or just glaring at it?" he scolded.

She looked away- a deep sigh leaving her lips.

She'd been so totally inconsiderate.

After coming from film day, she thought she was doing pretty good for herself.

She took a quick body shower (again), dressed in her pjs, ate the food her body was practically shaking for, then decided she'd spend the rest of her night drinking whiskey and reading until she hopefully passed out early.

You might notice how none of these things included the presence of her fiancé, and he was there the whole time. He stayed over every time he wanted to after all.

Turns out, Ross's little attitude at the end of the most eventful- most wonderful day ever, had pushed a few buttons.

She no longer saw it as this wonderful day anymore. It all felt like a lie.

He was so good to her. So sweet, caring, loving, hot - and she no longer felt like any of it was genuine.

It was like he'd said 'This is how good we could be' only to pull that away. It was revenge. He wanted to make her feel his pain.

But what he had yet to understand, was that she already did, and that.. that had just made it so much worse.

She felt a bit betrayed. Ross had always been so good to her, so to have him exhibit such behaviour.. to feel like he wanted to hurt her purposely.. it stung.

He was being an asshole, and she was usually the type of person to look behind that, and really question why that was, or what she could do to help.. but she couldn't help but feel angry this time around.

"It's nothing" she shook her head "I'm not in a good mood. I'm sorry I kind of pushed that energy on you. I'll sleep it off- promise"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now