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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴ʀ.. .67


"Ross Lynch and Laura Marano get HOT AND HEAVY in the backseat of an uber when in Cabo- there is no stopping these lovers!"

"Excuse me?" Laura whips her head around at Riker's loud voice over the equally loud club music. He looked like he was reading from his phone.

"You're fucking kidding me" Ross gave him a look.

Riker shook his head, handing him the phone.

"Holy shit" Savannah spoke up as Rydel questioned "Really?"

They all huddled around Riker's phone in Ross' hand- trying to peak at the article.

The more Laura read the more she wanted the ground to swollow her up- but honestly, the feeling didn't get terribly applified until they saw... the pictures.

There was pictures!

"That fucking uber driver" Ross shook his head, throwing Riker's phone on the table

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"That fucking uber driver" Ross shook his head, throwing Riker's phone on the table.

"Hey! Careful with my phone there it didn't do anything to you" Riker took the phone back, pretending to dust it off.

"He took the pictures?" Laura questioned, concern laced her voice.

"There was no one else there but us and the driver" Ross sighted "We shouldn't have trusted that privacy divider so much. There was probably a camera in there"

"That's disgusting" Rydel made a face "Why were you guys even making out in the uber? You had a whole hotel room" she threw her hands up.

"Look- we were drunk alright" Ross groaned "We went on a date and decided to head to the beach after. The restaurant was a bit far from the beach so we decided to uber"

They didn't need to know they'd done so much worse at the beach. It was late in the night after all - there was no one around there.

"Well you know what they say- there's no stopping the lovers" Riker shrugged, earning some laughs Rocky, Ryland and Gordy.

"We can't do shit in public anymore" Laura huffed, falling back on Ross' chest.

Rydel raised an eyebrow at her.

She looked away slowly.

"We'll get to the bottom of it when we go home- try to find the source and shut it down" Ross caressed Laura's arm comfortingly.

"There's no use to that" Laura snorted "Once it's on the internet it's there forever. I just have to admit, that yes, there's photos of me making out with my boyfriend on the internet" she swollowed the words "... several.. of ..them"

She looked down.

Oh god.

"They don't even know you're dating though" Courtney spoke up.

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