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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 16.. .


"I truly did not think you'd all wake up at the same time" Laura furrowed her eyebrows as Jaz and Ross stumbled inside from one side of the corridor and Rocky and Alex from the other, all wearing their pjs.

The duos look at each other, chuckling at the coincidence.

"Oh look, she didn't escape this time" Ross pointed at Laura as he looked at Rocky.

"Very funny" Laura commented, rolling her eyes.

"Morning" Ross chuckled as he smiled sleepily.

"Good morning" Laura smiled back.

Ah she definitely had a thing for Ross's little puppy look when he just woke up. His hair was all fluffy and up, and he usually walked around shirtless- as he was at that moment, his voice was soft, and he was almost always smiley.

The image made her nostalgic. I'd been a while since she'd seen him so unprepared, and she wondered if Jaz loved it too, or if she'd gotten used to it to the point that she wouldn't pay much attention to it.

She looked away from his eyes as everyone approached.

"You made us breakfast?" Rocky's eyebrow irked a little at the sight of the set table in the kitchen.

"Yeah. Not anything too fancy. I didn't know what you guys liked - well, I know the boys will eat anything but I'm just talking about Alex and Jaz here. I settled on some easy almond crêpes with avocado and nectarines and some chicken salad since it's usual breakfast food. You can totally cook something else if you don't like it though" Laura over-expalined herself, now somehow feeling nervous over the food.

"That sounds- and looks actually, delicious! Thank you" Alex smiled at the sight of the food "And it's healthy too! Look at that color! I haven't had breakfast in the actual breakfast table here since Stormie came in early and set up something that one time"

"Yeah it's been a while. Everything looks way good" Rocky agreed.

"I'm flattered" Laura chuckled "Why don't you guys use the breakfast table?"

"I don't think we've ever ate at the same time in the morning" Jaz starched her head "So it just doesn't get set up. It's usually the island or while watching tv on the living room with separate plates of easy food"

"Oh" Laura nodded slowly "I mean if you're not hungry now you can totally leave it for later" she suggested.

"The sight of the food actually made me hungy" Jaz winked "So I'll give it a try"

As she saw Rocky, Alex and Jaz all sit down at the table, she noticed Ross approach her instead.

Her eyebrows furrowed a little.

"You have a little piece of avocado in your cheek" he explained, wiping if off with his hand.

Flashbacks of all the times he'd done that same gesture years prior played through her head, and she blinked, trying not to get distracted.

"Oops" she scrunched up her nose instead, making him chuckle.

"Honestly I didn't even notice" Rocky called our from the table.

"It was a very small piece" Ross turned around, rolling his eyes "My eyesight is just impeccable"

"Flexing much" Laura rolled her eyes, knowing her world was perfectly blurry without her contacts on.

Ross grinned at her.

"You didn't have to do all of this by the way" he gestured to the table "Everyone here cooks for themselves only. It's rare we eat the same stuff"

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