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warning: explicit content.


"Can you hold him for a bit? I've got a husband to yell at" Rydel spoke up, pointing at her phone before practically throwing Super into her arms.

Still kind of shocked, Laura wrapped her hands around the toddler, before looking down at him, raising an eyebrow.

Then, she narrowed her eyes.

"What did he do?" she whispered to him.

Super stared at her, and blinked, clueless.

She chuckled to herself.

Now having this one year old in her arms would have to make her job of making the table a little harder than she originally thought it would be.

Still, she moved him to the side of her hip, holding his weight with one arm as she spread the plates.

"It's like you have a crush all over again" Ross jumped at Stormie's sudden approach.

He'd been staring at her for a while now, he would admit.

Looking down, he noticed he was still holding the empty glasses of wine that were supposed to be set up on the table minutes ago.

He looked back at his mom, watching her laugh at him.

"It's not funny" he spoke up, but he was smiling.

He couldn't deny seeing Laura, now his Laura with his nephew was one of his favourite sights.

She was so tender and loving, it made him melt on his feet.

He narrowed his eyes, not liking the way he thought of that.

Being whipped was one thing, but being so badly in love with someone made him slightly grossed out of himself.

He was sure his teen self was somewhere in there, agreeing that she was cute, but also yelling at him to 'Get it together!'

Then again, what would he know? At least the present him actually had her.

He still couldn't believe it.

"I'll always have a crush on her" he sighed then, kind of giving up on the fight with his thoughts.

"She is really good with Super" Stormie noted.

Ross looked back at his mom.

She was smirking at him- her smile growing by the second.

"No" he pointed at her, making her laugh as he walked away.

He approached the table, settings up the wine glasses.

"Ah- how was the sightseeing?" Laura spoke up the second the saw him.

She knew. She always did.

"Pleasant" he rolled his eyes, making her giggle.

"And how's my favourite nephew?" he spoke up, approaching the duo.

He wrapped an arm around Laura's waist, and caressed Super's head with his large hand.

Laura hummed, leaning into him as she watched his hand.

"His hair is growing so much" she noted, smiling "And it's so blonde"

"Yeah" he smiled.

She looked back up at him, and they stared at each other.

"You know- this family party really wasn't my idea of celebrating this newfound relationship" Laura pointed between them.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now