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warning: explicit content.


"Can we move in here?"

That was the first question out of Laura's mouth, about seven minutes after looking around their hotel room.

Ross had practically booked the best of the best, to put it lightly. He really wanted to make this vacation- or whatever this was, a special experience for them- and that started with a non-crappy hotel room.

It was spacious, big windows welcomed in the sunlight, nothing too flashy but it was expensive and it looked the part. Not one spec of dust in sight- and the decor was standard but tasteful.

"I wouldn't mind" Ross mumbled a reply to Laura's question, a little distracted by a bit of everything in the room.

The bed looked so damn big and the bed frame created a romantical illusion, much like most of the decor.

Oh, it was definitely a beautiful couple's suite.

"We have a bathtub! And the shower has so much space!" Laura practically yelled at him from the bathroom.

He laughed, following the sound of her voice, and leaning by the doorframe to look at her.

"It's definitely nice" he winked at her.

He could see it now- they had a bathroom counter, that was a good option.

The shower bench in the large shower itself? Perfect.

The tub? Well he couldn't deny a classic.

"We are not thinking about the same things right now" she placed her hands at her waist- analyzing his wondering eyes.

He raised an eyebrow at that, looking back at her "Well I was just thinking about where I'm putting my shower and other products- what goes where, you know?"

"I'll bet you're only thinking about the second part of that sentence" she replied, slowly approaching him with a teasing smile "What goes where?"

She knew him too well to be fooled like that.

"Am I?" he really questioned, looking down at her as she closed the gap between their bodies "Or are you?"

"I wasn't before you came in here" she giggled, wrapping her arms around him and raising herself on her toes to steal a kiss.

He pressed his lips against hers, giving her a big kiss- before she completely flew off his arms once again.

"We didn't check the balcony!" she commented- and she was already gone.

He chuckled at her enthusiasm, following after her.

He entered from the balcony doors to see Laura already admiring the view- one that was directly of the beach.

The balcony itself was pretty cute and quite large- sort of set up in a french style, but the view was too good to simply stop at admiring the balcony.

They were in Lover's Beach, as they called it.

Had to hop on a cruise to even get there, as the beach was only accessable by boat.

Thankfully the cruise had been a good experience for the both of them without any type of seasickness. They were both pretty good about that, so their time there was spent eating, trying out cocktails and exploring a bit.

"You really didn't have to do all this" Laura sighted, turning to him now "Like this is ridiculous. You better believe I'm paying half"

"You're not paying half" he chuckled- the thought was honestly hilarious to him.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now