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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 12.. .


"Good morning" Ross announced at the sight of his brothers, entering the kitchen with Jaz in his trail.

He'd woken up in a weird jolly mood that day, so he was smiling as he noticed the pancakes with syrup Rocky had decided to make.

"Make a few more for me" he immediately told Rocky, pointing at the pancakes.

"Really?" he groaned "I just finished Ryland's. Why does everyone want pancakes today?"

As he turned his head he sure enough noticed his little brother digging in his plate full of pancakes and chuckled.

"Not me" Alex raised her hand, showing her plate of bacon and eggs, and Jaz looked at it "I'll make one of those too"

"Hold up" Ross suddenly furrowed his eyebrows "Where's Laura?"

At the mention of the name, Rocky nodded towards a paper at the side of the counter, and Ross blinked in a confusion before picking it up.

Good morning! Woke up a little early today as I had to leave, but I didn't want to wake you. I folded the blankets and left them in the couch because I had no idea where the 'white room' was :-) Also, I didn't have time to make any breakfast so I just drove to the nearest bakery and bought you all a few croissants to celebrate last night's progress on the songs! Don't worry, I ate mine on my way home. Thank you for yesterday, it was a lovely stay! And yes I prefer cliché notes like this instead of texts. Hm.. what else.. Ross, please don't get mad at me :>
love you all! <3

- L xX

"It was on top of the box with the croissants" Rocky spoke up, potining at the now opened box with only three croissants left in it.

"You've gotta be kidding me" Ross rolled his eyes.

"What?" Jaz questioned, and Ross slipped her the paper immediately.

"Her handwriting's pretty" she murmured to herself before she started reading it.

"I loved all the rainbows and hearts and smiley faces she drew around it" Alex chuckled, having seen the letter before.

"Sounds about Laura" Ryland pointed out, laughing as well.

"I'm calling her. Rocky will probably take take an hour for the pancakes anyway" Ross sighted.

"If you don't like my cooking you can come make them yourself" Rocky directed the spatula at his younger brother.

Ross pushed it away with his hand, finding her contact on his phone before sitting down by the kitchen island with the phone held to his ear.

Jaz on the other hand left the letter and started bringing out some bacon to make her own breakfast.

As he kept the phone next to his ear he took the letter in his hand again, smiling a little as he noticed her doodles.

It took a few rings but she finally picked up "Alright, fine, I'm ready, yell at me and get it over with"

"Why the hell did you take off so early Marano?!" it wasn't exactly yelling, but his voice did sound rather displeased.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now