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She checked her reflection in the mirror the second she entered the bathroom, noticing just how mortified she looked.

Her heart was still pounding out of her chest as she tried to form a calm breathing pattern, but it was no use.

She was beet red, not believing what the hell her dumb brain had made up.

Did Ross realize it?

She slapped her palm over her mouth as she had a whole other freak out.

She'd said his name out loud for fuck's sake. But how did she say it?

Oh she'd be want to be buried alive if she actually moaned it out. What if he knew? What if he realized what the dream was about?

Her mind kept her busy with running thoughts as she paced back and forth, stealing glances at her ghostly face in the mirror, wishing she just didn't remember the dream at all.

"What the fuck is wrong with me" she groaned, wiping her face with her hands "What the actual.. what was that"

Whining, she slowly slid down the wall dramatically, letting herself sit on the bathroom floor facing the wall.

"Get out of my head" she lightly banged her head on the door "Get out. Get out" she whispered to herself, eyes closed.

It was downright comical and something you'd laugh about, but at that moment she genuinely couldn't figure out how she was supposed to go back to normal.

"Thomas" she pouted, looking up at the ceiling of that gorgeous bathroom.

The guilt had started creeping in, and her skin crawled at the thought of him knowing.

What was wrong with her? She was engaged to the best and most perfect man she could think of, yet someone else was seeming to consume her head.

She knew it was probably because of how much time they were spending together. It's just like with family- they'll often star in your dreams since they're such a reaccurance in your daily life.

But not this way!

She slapped a hand to her forehead.

She needed to end this little meltdown, do her morning routine and put on her big girl pants, or she was never coming out of that bathroom.

Not that she minded. For such a small cabin, the bathroom was huge and one of her favorite parts about it.

It was spacious and gorgeous, and the shower... oh the shower was something else.

After finally gathering some strength into her limbs, she got up from the floor, leaving out a heavy sigh as she at stared herself in the mirror again.

"You need some serious help" she pointed at her mirror, harshly whispering her words.

And, now she was talking to herself like it was another person. Add that to the things she'd have to take to therapy.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now