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"Hey" he stops in his tracks in the middle of the tour bus.

She looks up from the mirror- still holding her mascara as she presses her lips.

Her eyes move from his face down his neck and chest, to his legs and shoes.

He could see her checking him out very clearly, and she wasn't trying to hide it either.

When he folded his arms, she looked up at his face again- blinking as he raised an eyebrow.

Then she grins.

"You look very good" she comments easily, before going back to doing her make up.

Ross chuckles, humming in appreciation.

He didn't think what he was wearing was anything too different. He was just in a pair of baby blue colored pants and a matching blazer he kept open- wearing nothing underneath, making a good show of those abs.

"I guess they thought you'll take your shirt off anyway so why bother with one" she commented as she put her mascara down and grabbed her lip balm instead.

"That's exactly what my stylist told me" he informed, making her laugh immediately.

Somehow- someway- no matter what type of shirt or jacket Ross was wearing- it was going to end up in the floor at some point of the concert.

The rest of the guys barely did it, so she knew he liked the attention.

His excuse was because it got 'too hot' but she was aware he only enjoyed the crowds reaction and all those hungry eyes on him when he did so. The crowd would scream the entire time- and it was usually the designated time for bra throwing.

"I like your eyes" he spoke up.

She looked up at him again, raising a brow at the random compliment.

"I mean the make up" he explained, making her chuckle "Blue's very pretty"

"Thanks" she smiled.

"Guys! Get the fuck moving and get in the venue! We start in a half an hour" Riker yelled as he hurridly walked in the tour bus- grabbed his leather jacket, then ran outside again.

Everything felt hurried today, though it usually was when it came to show prep. Everyone was running around, outside and inside of the tour bus every five minutes just a bit ago, and it had now just calmed down a bit as they were the final minutes before the show and everything was pretty much set.

Not with Laura though- her make up artist hadn't finished the make up fully when an emergency had came up, and being the sweet person she is- she let her go immediately and said she had it in her hands. After all, the woman had her eyes- which was the big part, already done, and so was her face. She just needed to do the finishing touches. Since she had her hair already done (they straightened it before they pulled it in an effortless looking bun that took actually a lot of effort) and she'd already accessorized- she had the time to do so.

Oh- and get dressed. She was still sitting in one of the couches in the main lounge with her usual sleeping uniform- sweatpants and cropped top, with the make up all scattered in the table in front of her and a mirror in the front. Rydel had been gotten ready at this exact spot just a few hours ago.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now