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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁.. . 44


"So this is what my next month is going to look like"

After climbing into the tour bus, Laura was looking around at the environment she'd be living in for the next few weeks.

She hadn't done this before. Though she'd went on tour by herself, she didn't need a tour bus. She simply slept in hotels, but with these many people- it was different. The cost of the hotels in each state for so many people would be crazy, so this was their best option.

The Lynchs were used to tour bus living. She was a newbie.

It wasn't as bad as she thought. She was happily surprised to see there was a lot of space to move around for so many people, since the bus was spread out when parked.

After the driver's seat, the front lounge came into view, and she walked in along with Rydel in the front, who was super excited to give her a nice tour of the bus by pointing out everything.

There was a tiny brown couch on one side of the bus, and a few other seats on the other side accompanied by desks in the front, with the windows on top.

She noticed the tv on top of the windows, and the tv station area - a mirror on the side. Super's stroller was already standing in the middle of the hallway,

When she turned to the other side she realized there was a second tv- next to it a few cupboards filled with vitamins- the Lynchs cared a lot about their health, especially while on tour. It was very important to stay away from any type of sickness.

The coffee station and cooler were both set in one place behind the seats area, next to the freezer and the bathroom was very nice for a bus. It even had a shower which was a big bonus in case the venues didn't.

The sink and kitchen area were on the other side, along with a few other cupboards filled with snacks.

You had to open a door to get on the other side and see the bunk beds. There was a lot of them, with curtains in the front.

On the back lounge there was way more couches, another tv and the closet.

Having gotten the whole tour of the bus, Laura smiled "It's actually pretty darn cool in here"

"Yeah. First time on tour bus?" Rydel raised her eyebrows.

"If you mean actually living in it- yes. I've just entered in your tour buses back in the day" she chuckled, walking along to the bedding area once again.

She opened the curtains to one of the beds, inspecting the inside.

"You're analyzing the beds a little too much. Planning on a little fun missy?" Rydel raised an eyebrow when she noticed Laura's actions.

"As if" Laura rolled her eyes, bending back up to look at Rydel "My fiancé is literally not coming with us. Your husband on the other hand.." she gestured with her hand, batting her eyelashes at her.

"It doesn't have to be the finacé" she suggested, making Laura snort out a laugh "I'm just kidding! I'm just kidding" she clarified, laughing as well.

"And yes obviously my family's coming" Rydel chuckled, refereeing to Capron and Super "but sex on those things is like absolutely terrible so there is no way I'm doing it there no matter how much I want another baby" she pointed out, making Laura laugh again.

"I'd assume there would be a lot of bumping happening" Laura looked back at the beds "Like there's no way anyone's getting on top in there. It's either side ways or nothing" she laughed.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now