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"Whe- what?" Vannesa's jaw practically hit the floor at the sentence - her eyes widen, and she stared at her sister, truly feeling concerned.

All the girls were shocked, and Rydel covered her mouth with her hands.

That was not a small statement to say the least.

"D-uh- Does Thomas know you feel like this?" Vannesa breathed out a puff of air, sharing some of Laura's stress now.

"No" she mumbled, looking away.

"What happened? You were so good together. I thought you were in love with the guy" Vannesa furrowed her eyebrows.

"I am- I- I don't know" she looked up, shaking her head "I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions and there's so much expectations. I just feel.. overwhelmed, I guess, and I'm not sure of anything- but what I can say is, this wedding doesn't feel exciting to me, and I don't know if that's because of how tired I am or-"

"Or not being in love anymore?" Vannesa filled in, starting at her sister's flushed face.

She didn't reply to that, only shrugged, biting her lower lip anxiously.

"Does Ross have anything to do with this?" Vannesa whispered, having the feeling that blonde boy must've stole her sister's heart.. again.

She turned her head at the mention of his name, and looked at Vannesa before looking away again.

Sitting up, she grabbed her jeans, noticing all the girls still staring at her.

"Let me get dressed" she pressed her lips "Please"

"Okay" Rydel murmured, knowing she needed space, as Alex and Savannah followed her out.

Vannesa still stayed there, sitting up as she stared at her.

"Please make sure they don't say anything about everything I said" she pleaded.

"I'll tell them" Vannesa nodded "And don't beat yourself up about how you feel. You're not a bad person- you can't control your heart like your brain. Don't worry, everything will settle itself as it should"

With that, her older sister gave her a little smile before getting out of there.

I guess she'd taken her silence as a confirmation.


"I can't believe this" she spoke up, almost as if he'd offended her "Not only do I have to stand for you being obsessed with Laura- I ask you one little thing you can do for me and you say no?"

"Asking me to travel several hours just so I can be your plus one at a wedding I know no one at- is not a little thing" Ross tried to reason "It requires my time and money. The ep just came out- we have a lot of shit to do every day and I can't afford traveling mid-promotion. Please understand me for once. I'll make it up to you. And.. I'm not obsessed with Laura"

Jaz was still glaring at him from the facetime, and it had placed quite the frown on his face as well. She'd just gotten home from a busy day and wasn't wearing any make up- and having an orange colored shirt on.

He didn't know many more times he had to explain this for her to understand. He didn't know what the hell to say to make her feel satisfied.

He didn't know if he wanted to cry or punch a hole in the wall.

"You're always so busy. Do you just expect me to attend with my mom?" she huffed.

"Yeah?" he questioned "It's a family oriented fucking wedding. Look at my side of things for once. I'd love to but I can't. Take that as you will"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now