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"What's up? You sound a little grumpy" she noted from the end of the line.

He sighted, staring into space.

"I am a little grumpy" he mumbled.

"Aw what happened?" she cooed.

"This morning" he cleared his throat "You and Laura. What was that?"

"What was what?" she questioned "I just said bye to her normally"

"We both know that's not exactly what you did. You know her name Jaz. You said it correctly every single time you mentioned it but this morning. Am I supposed to think you just suddenly forgot?" he questioned.

"Well I-"

"How did you even know Laura hated being called that in the first place?" he interrupted.

"Are you seriously interrogating me right now, your girlfriend, in favor of your friend?" she questioned "Ross this is ridiculous. I didn't do anything"

"Yes you did! Can't you just admit it and say sorry? It would make this so much easier" he pinched the skin between his brows.

He hated fighting with her.

She stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Sorry" she mumbled.

"What was that?" Ross raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry" she groaned "I just- the information was right there I mean she is a celebrity, and I got kind of.. carried away. That wasn't nice and I apologize"

"Not to me. To her" he spoke on the phone.

"No way" she commented "I'm sorry. You can tell her that I'm sorry but I'm not willing to speak to her again afer that"

"Didn't you want to make friends? What the hell is going on with you? And why did you research Laura?" the questions kept running through his mind.

"The plan failed.. and I don't like how close you are with her either"

She'd finally said it.

The dreaded words.

"I'm not willing to sacrifice a ten year friendship just because you don't like it" he spoke firmly "I love you but that's too much for me. She's important"

"God just the way you form your words when you speak of her I-" a frustrated sigh came from the phone "I get it okay? I'm not saying go ruin it for me- just.. don't make it look so intimate when it's just a friendship?"

"How am I making it look intimate?" he questioned "All we do is tease and offend each other occasionally"


Ross looked at a noise being made and noticed Laura was out of the shower, staring at him by the door.

"Okay um I have to leave but.. good night for now? I'll text you" he spoke as he stared at Laura.

"Fine we'll talk again. This discussion's not over. Good night." he heard her reply before he closed the call.

"Um it was just-"

"Jaz" Laura replied, moving across the room from the spot she'd been standing for the last few minutes.

She was wearing a pair of light brown sweats and oversized sweater set that looked absolutely adorable on her. Freshly blow-dried hair layed on her shoulders in it's free form.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now