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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 21.. .


Laura and Savannah had kind of partnered up for the pizza making, which just happened naturally because they didn't really have to partner but they ended up working side by side since they stood beside each other around the island.

It was actually kind of odd because Savannah would almost always cook with Riker when the whole family cooked, but not that day.

Instead Riker was by her side working with Mark and Ross did his own thing beside Laura.

"Look who woke up from his nap" Rydel spoke up as she entered the kitchen with her baby boy in her arms.

Of course she wasn't cooking or doing anything really since she was still in pain and absolutely not over the birth. Her presence was more than enough to Stormie (and Mamoo), and it was actually nice for Rydel to have so many people she could look to for help on her first days of being a mom.

"Oh finally! There's the little man- oh his squishy little face" Stormie cooed at the baby.

"I know he's so cute" Rydel grinned.

"How have the first days been mama?" Laura questioned Rydel, chuckling at the scene.

"Oh-hell" she very much confirmed, but then pouted when she looked at her baby "But worth it"

"Aw" Mamoo put a hand on her heart. She'd been sitting and staring at the family cook for a while.

"That is the sweetest" Laura smiled.

"You wanna hold him?" she asked out of nowhere.

"Um... sure. Is that okay?" Laura blinked, a bit confused.

"Of course. Just make sure to keep his whole body and head supported" Rydel commented as she approached Laura.

Thankfully her hands weren't awfully dirty with dough since she'd washed them a bit earlier, so taking the baby in was way more comfortable.

She held him right where Rydel placed him, supporting his small body with one arm as she used the other to pull the blanket from his face since I'd moved up a little.

"Oh god he's so cute. My heart"

She wanted to cry. He was just that heartwarming.

It had actually been a while since she last held a baby and not a furry animal, so the feeling was weirdly different.

"Laura don't move I'm taking pictures" Stormie called out.

She looked up, laughing.

"If it isn't my favorite nephew" Ross hopped his nose.

"He's your only nephew" Laura raised an eyebrow at him.

"He doesn't have to know that" Ross pointed out, making her roll her eyes.

Laura started at his abnormally large hands (compared to the baby) as he played with his nephew and held his super tiny hand, and making faces at him.

He was so gentle and sweet.

She didn't realize she was staring at him when Ross looked down at her "Do I have something on my face?"

"Oh- no" startled she shook her head "I was just.. um.. do you.. want to hold him?"

"Is that even a question" he chuckled.

Once again, rolling her eyes, and with a smile on her lips, she gently placed the baby in his arms.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now