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Away from the eyes of all her guests, she sat by a fountain, in a private area away from the wedding venue.

She was holding her flowers in her lap, and leaning forward on her elbows, eyes covered with her hands.

A pretty bride, sat by the fountain on a gorgeous sunny day- dwelling on her sadness. The moment could be a painting- one that told a story.

And maybe, if you looked at the painting very closely, squinting your eyes, you would see a man in the distance.

The groom.

Thomas stared at her as he stood there. She hadn't noticed him yet, but he'd been staring at her for a few seconds now, wondering how she was feeling- wondering what to say.

Clearing his throat slightly, he slowly approached her.

Her hands dropped from her face, and she looked up, watching him walk over to her.

He sat down next to her on the fountain, leaving a few inches of space between them, as they listened to the water behind them splash.

And as he looked at her- her make up slightly ruined from tears, he sighed.

Finally, he was defeated.

"What are we doing?" he questioned lowly.

Her eyebrows narrowed.

"I don't know" her voice shook slightly, as she stared at him.

"I can't believe I thought we could go through with it" he chuckled bitterly "God, I was desperate"

"Desperate?" she questioned.

"Yeah" he huffed a bit "It was bloody fucking obvious you were in love with him. You lied to me and I believed it, because I wanted this so so bad. I wanted to get married, have kids, have a house" he shrugged lightly "I'm not getting any younger, and the pressure's high. Still- wasn't my greatest decision, especially knowing how my feelings for you have.. well.." he trailed off.


That's what he wanted to say, didn't he?

"I had no idea you felt that way" she whispered "You know I can't give you any of that.. not for now, not for a while. My career-"

"Is your priority- I know" he weaved a hand at her "And I guess I thought or expected that would change in a year or so. I see now that's not the case"

When she shook her head, he continued.

"So we don't want the same things" he claimed, finally sitting on that "And you're in love with him"

She sighed at that, pressing her lips as she looked down "Yeah- I guess I am"

"And that's how this ends?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow "This is where we part?"

"It doesn't have to be.. a parting of a lifetime" she swallows "I spent so many years with you .. we know each other well, we work together. I'd be delighted if one day ... we could be able to be in a room together, and have a light conversation with no regrets"

"I think that's gonna be a little tough" he shook his head "Not for a long time"

"I know" she nodded, "And I owe you a huge apology"

"For?" he raised an eyebrow.

She stared at him, wondering if he could hear the music from the venue as clearly as she could.

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