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Stormie and Riker found themselves waking up the first out of the group that morning, so of course their first quest was to get to the main lounge - where the bathroom was.

As Riker walked in, yawning and half asleep- he was almost dragged by the collar when he tried to get in the bathroom.

Confused, he looked back at his mom.

She pointed at one of the couches in the lounge.

Furrowing his eyes, Riker noticed his brother was there, and of course right next to him was Laura.

He'd fallen asleep as he was resting his head on the couch- similar to Laura. Her legs were on top of his lap, and Velvet slept at the side of her legs- right in the middle of them.

"Isn't it just the cutest sight?" Stormie questioned, approaching the two more.

"See I told ya'll" Riker pointed at Laura "No issue being in his personal space"

Stormie started laughing at that.

"Whatcha laughing about mom?" Rydel questioned, walking in with Super in her arms.

When Stormie pointed at Ross and Laura, she pouted "Aww, are you kidding?"

"How did they even end up out here? I'm pretty sure I saw them both climb into their bunks last night" Riker scratched his head.

"They might've woken up again" Stormie explained as Rydel opened the windows for some sunlight "Ayyy we're in Humburg!"

"Honey be silent I'm trying to take a photo of before they wake up" Stormie scolded Rydel as she pointed her phone at the two.

Riker rolled his eyes, getting in the bathroom with a laugh.

Just before Rydel could speak up again, Ross's eyes had already popped open.

And I guess the combination of sunlight and family chatter had gotten to Laura too, as she opened her eyes just seconds later.

Ross blinked, yawning as he stretched his legs. He was a bit confused as to why his mom was staring at him, but that question was quickly answered when he noticed Laura's feet still on his lap.

Speaking of, the girl hadn't woken up in the best position.

As she moved her head, her neck hurt, and she was scared to find out what would happen when she moved her legs.

"Good morning you two!" Stormie sing-songed happily.

"Morning" Ross sighted as Laura let out a huff of frustration.

He looked back at her, noticing the tortured look on her face as she slowly put her feet down on the ground again.

Once she did that, she let out a groan, placing her hands in her waist as she let her head fall back on the couch "That was not so good for my cramps"

Her voice sounded deep and groggy when she spoke.

It was hot.

"Can you get her some ibuprofen?" Ross questioned, staring at Laura.

"Yeah sure thing" Stormie nodded, immediately going to search for it in cupboards.

"What the heck happened here?" Rydel chuckled- her son still in her arms.

"We must've fallen asleep last night while we were talking" Laura looked back at Ross "In a very terrible- awful position"

He laughed at her, making her smile despite all the mustle pain.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now