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"What's going on?"

She was interested in him now, ignoring the fact that they were up for an interview in just an hour.

That look in his eyes.. she'd seen it before, and she didn't like seeing it one bit.

"Why do you have to read me like that?" he sighted heavily.

She stared up at him, then pressed her lips.

"You're safe" she reminded him, placing a hand on his arm.

A hint of a smile formed on his lips - this damn little copy cat.

"We'll talk about it later" he decided "We're up for the interview now. We need to put on the happy faces"

"I don't care about any of that" she snorted a little "We still have time to discuss whatever is bothering you my love. We take care of this, then take on the stage. Leave the acting on set"

Before he could object, she placed his hand in his and pulled him into a random room.

They looked around.

Thankfully there was no one there.

"I guess-" he turned to her "But it's not a big deal"

"It is to me" she shook her head slightly "I don't like the look in your eyes"

"It's just ... Jaz again" he rolled his eyes "Um, I think she accidentally sent a dot? And I've deleted her number but since she sent that the messages opened up and I could see the history-"

"And you read it all" Laura filled in for him, crossing her arms.

"Sort of" he groaned "I mean fuck- it's been so long. It shouldn't affect me still, and I thought it wouldn't"

"If it was that easy to move on the world would be healed Ross" she raised an eyebrow, making him chuckle lightly.

"I'm getting better" he nodded, staring at her "This is nothing compared to the last time I did that"

"That's progress" she smiled at him "And hey, she might've been lurking in the chat as well, so really, you're not alone"

"I know I'm not alone" he murmured "But that's only because you're by my side"

The words softened her heart, and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"And I always will be" she whispered "Okay?"

"Yeah" he murmured, lowering his head- he didn't kiss her, just leaned his forehead against hers, eyes closed.


The music blasted, the crowd started cheering, and Ross and Laura walked towards the stage.

She was still slightly blushing from Ross'earlier comment on her outfit. He'd liked it... a lot. He'd actually called her a princess.

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