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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁.. . 36


The days ahead had presented themselves with a hectic schedule, for almost everybody involved.

After Thomas's little burst of confidence at the Lynch household, Laura had barely spoken a word to him the whole ride home.

Even when they did reach the house, and he'd ask her something, she'd just given him a dirty look. At that point, he had no choice but to go buy her her favorite flowers, and apologize for his behavior, which she thankfully ended up appreciating and forgave him.

The next day she was driven right back to the boy's house to work on finishing touches, and they ended up deciding, finally it was done.

The Fever Dream Ep, was now a complete body of work.

They obviously celebrated as they called their teams to let them know of the news. The announcement was to be made in just a short few days.

On the other hand, Ross and Laura's behavior towards each other was still iffy. They both looked like they didn't know how to act anymore. They exchanged a few words and a few laughs here and there, but there was nothing else to it. There was no promixy, kind of like they'd known each other only for a couple of hours instead of ten years.

As for their sickness, they separately healed in the next two to three days, and thankfully didn't get anyone else sick in the process.

When Rocky yelled out that they were finally done, Laura found herself almost jumping into Ross's arms in happiness- and then awkwardly turning the other way to to make it look like she was just jumping in place instead. It was ridiculous.

After the night Ross had finally owned up to how he felt, Rocky and Ryland were both a little worried about their brother every time she was around. They tried to help ease the weird atmosphere between them any time they could, and Ross appreciated that, he did, but he wasn't showing much emotion or care- traits Laura could make pop out every time she was there, but nothing was the same anymore.

Ryland did catch him staring at her when she wasn't looking, and he probably wasn't even realizing he was doing it, but he was.

Day by day passed almost the same, Laura would drive every day to their house, only to work for a couple of hours (even doing a photo shoot in one of the days) and then leave once again. Every time she left, she took things of hers she'd left around the house, and Ross.. he didn't know how he felt seeing all her stuff disappear.

Their online contact seemed to increase with her leaving, but this time it was rather Rocky doing more back and forth with her.

A couple of business calls later and talks with their team, the online announcements for the first single 'Fever Dream', with the cover of the Ep, were finally made.

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