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"What do you wanna do today?" Ross questioned, as he watched his finacèe pick up one of the plates he'd prepared, and sit down to eat.

"I don't know" she murmured, a hand on her head as she looked down at her plate "What if we just sleep?"

He chuckled at that, knowing they'd just woken up.

"Bad headache again" he nodded, turning around to fish for some medicine in the cabinets.

Once he gave it to her and she took it, she started up at him.

He looked into her wondering eyes- her soft face expression.

"You seem off as fuck" he sighted, placing a hand on her forehead.

She closed her eyes- just the touch of his hand made her feel warm.

"We should check with a doctor" he decided.

She'd been a little 'off' this whole week. From little things, to bigger ones. She was definitely sick, and it slightly worried him, even though there was no high temperature, which is why she'd insisted that she was fine in the first place.

She looked down after his words, staring at the food prepared just for her, sitting there.

It looked delicious, yet her nerves wouldn't let her eat. She was anything but hungry.

"Ross" she breathed out, sitting up to stare at him.

Her hands were shaking a little.

"No excuses this time Marano. We're doing it" he raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"We are" she nodded- she wasn't opposed to it "But I-I'd like to do something else first"

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What's that?" he naturally questioned.

"Um" she looked around unsurely, before staring up at him "Buy a pregnancy test"

Her words were so silent he almost missed them, but once he realized what she'd just said- his eyebrows raised.

Before he could flip out, she spoke up again "Um- I don't know if it's pregnancy or sickness yet, which is why I want to cross out one of the options. I wanted to do it by myself at first, but then I thought about how supportive you are and I think it's better if we do this together"

He blinked, still staring at her.

"So.. you wanted both of us to get eaten by anxiety" he cracked a smile- it was an uneasy smile.

The face expression alone, made her laugh a little.

"Like you've always said- we're a team. And isn't marriage all about partnership?" she offered, placing a few little hairs behind her ear.

Their wedding was in two months, and she was using it to her advantage.

"Cut the crap" he rolled his eyes "You know I'd die for you"

The claim made her smile grow a little, and she wrapped her arms around his torso.

She knew telling him first would be a better decision.

It was the first time this morning she was being affectionate, so he wrapped his arms around her as well- holding her to his chest.

"What made you think of pregnancy?" he questioned, looking down "You've been sick countless times before and you'd never set it up as an option"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now