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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7.. .


"Okay now that we're done talking about your acting carrier, you've also mentioned that you're concentrating on your music carrier more recently if I'm not mistaken. Anything cooking up in that department?" the interviewer, who'd she learned was named Morgan, chuckled.

She was an asian woman with black hair tied into a ponytail, looking like she was about in her mid-thirties.

Her smile was polite and just about like any smile she was used to seeing with so many years in the business.

She did what she did in just about any other interview as well, and gave her a wide smile.

Acting had taught her well.

It was actually creepy how sometimes she was able to fake just about any emotion she wanted if given a bit of time beforehand.

Every time she thought about it too much she ended up freaking herself out. I mean, who the heck does that?

Professional actors, that's who.

"Mhmm" Laura made a funny thinking face "I don't know. Do I?"

Oh her fans were going to kill her later on twitter for that response. She could see it already.

"Teasing I see" Morgan laughed a little.

"On a more serious note" Laura continued, now deciding she needed to give a well-rounded answer "I might... have one particular thing cooking up, but it's too soon to talk about it. Let's just say my fans have been waiting for this one for a long time. That's all I'll say" she faked a 'zipping' motion with her hand as she moved it across her lips.

"Alright alright we'll take it" Morgan laughed again "Well we're excited to see what it is! Laura thank you so much for talking to me and waking up so early to do so too. I hope to see you again in the future as you were lovely to talk to and that's all we've got on the show for today folks!"

"Ah you were even more lovely!! Thank you and byeeee!" she weaved at the camera as she saw the cameraman finally sign that it was over.

With that, Laura called out another bye to the interviewer before she left, and as she met up with her manager, mom and her fiancé which were waiting for her a bit further away from the camera crew.

After she drunk some water from the water bottle Thomas handed her, she sighted as she stared up at Jonathan "Please tell me that was our last one"

"Yep. That was our last one" he confirmed, immediately making her wipe some invisible sweat from her forehead "Thank god"

She loved her job, she loved people and she loved talking to them. This was where her personality shinned the brightest and where she knew she was born to be. She thrived on social interaction.

That being said, that didn't mean she didn't get tired.

She'd been awake since five am, so about four hours now, and while she would call herself an early bird five am was too early for anyone.

For the past four hours she'd dealt with some press for a movie she'd done, and she'd been non-stop talking and giving polite smiles.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now