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"Heyyy!! They're back!" Rydel cheered when she saw Ross and Laura walk in the kitchen.

"Oh my stars! What a lovely surprise!!" Stormie sequeled at the sight of his son with his girlfriend, running up to them to squeeze them into separate hugs each.

Laura laughed as Ross smiled "Didn't we tell you guys we were coming today?"

"No" Rydel shook her head, sitting up with Super in her hands to go and hug the two.

"I thought you texted Ellen" Ross raised an eyebrow as Laura and Rydel hugged while she had Super in her arms- so she leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"I thought you texted mom" Laura blinked up at him.

They stared at each other.

"What? You said you would do it for me after I told you I had to go in the shower" Laura pointed out, remembering.

"Oh hey buddy- you've grown so much since the last time we saw you" Ross smiled as Rydel placed her son in Ross' arms.

"It's been three weeks" Rydel rolled her eyes, smiling.

"I thought you said you'd take care of it after" Ross's eyes furrowed as he turned back to Laura, going back on the subject.

"No- I said-"

"Does it even matter?" Stormie spoke up, looking between the two "Leave the useless blabber. I'm just gonna have to get used to this little bubble you two have got going on"

Laura laughed as Ross hoped Super in his arms, making his little arms wrap around his neck.

"Oh I love him" Laura awed at the sight, pressing his little chubby cheek lightly with her finger.

"The bubble bursted the second we left Cabo" Ross let his mom know "Laura was replying to work emails at the airport" he threw her a look.

"He loves being the centre of my universe" Laura rolled her eyes, weaving a hand his way.

"Yes" Ross pointed out "But I was talking about you getting on the grind when we're barely in the country"

"Are you calling me a workaholic?" Laura raised a brow "I ignored my team's emails so much while we were in Cabo I don't know how I'll face them tomorrow"

"I did too" he pointed out, as the two walked in the living room to take a seat. Stormie stayed back to prepare them some fresh lemonade.

"It's not the same honey" Laura shook her head "Rocky was still working"

"Thank you!" Rocky shouted in appreciation when he saw the two.

Laura laughed at the sight of him, and they hugged before he hugged Ross.

"I'm not even gonna ask on when you got back from Cabo- I'm just glad you did" Rocky sent Ross a look.

"Give me a break" Ross rolled his eyes.

"You want another one?" Ryland questioned, slapping his back from behind.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now