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"Okay" Mark sounded shocked "I better sit down then. I'm surprised you didn't call your mother for this"

"I would but her first question would be- who is it?" Ross replied, making Mark laugh "Even though I'm in a whole relationship"

"True" Mark chuckled "Speaking of, is there any issues between you and Jaz? Is that why you called?"

"No..." he was silent for a bit "Yes? But no"

"Okay great we got that figured out" Mark cleared his throat.

Ross rolled his eyes as if his dad could see him.

"I just... I just feel confused. Like.. stuff happens and I'm left not knowing what to do. I genuinely don't know what's going on" Ross whined on the phone like he was a little boy.

"Someone's having a crisis" he laughed.

"Dad this is not funny" he grunted.

"It's funny to me" he replied "Now come on, start somewhere I don't have all night"

"Well I don't know.. I just feel a bit bored, I guess. I've thought about it and the last few days that Jaz was here in La and we were sharing a room and stuff.. it sometimes would literally feel like we were literally just roommates. We'd stay in bed and be on our phones or do stuff and not tell each other- and I know for a while there she was hiding what she felt about being jealous about Laura but now that s-"

"Woah woah hold on" Mark tried to keep track "Jealous of Laura?"

"Yeah. Laura's having her own issues with Thomas because of it. She was upset today" he murmured.


"Our... friendship, I guess. It's an issue" he replied.

"How's it an issue?" he asked.

"They think we're too close" he finally said those dreaded words "A kiss on the cheek is friendly right? And hugging? And hand holding?"

"It could be" Mark thought "Sometimes it's not. You need context and it's more internal than that. I don't think it's about the gesture but what you feel when you do it or she does it"

"Hmm" Ross furrowed his eyebrows "I'd never thought about that"

"You just need time to figure out your feelings. For example, what do you feel when you're with Jaz?" he

"Um" he scratched his head "Well it was love, calm and collected. Fun" he murmured "Lately it's just been frustration, confusion.. because of the situation I guess. I still do feel love for her though. I do miss her quite a bit"

"Okay, and Laura?" he questioned.

"Laura..." he pressed his lips "Um.. comfort, warmth ..we laugh a lot" he smiled "She's just a very sweet comfortable person to be around and I find myself doing.. things, going out of my way to make her happy"

"It sounds like you're falling back on Laura because you're so familiar with her" Mark cleared his throat "But you still do love Jaz right. Have you ever thought about ending the relationship?"

"No" Ross's eyebrows furrowed "Why would I think that?"

"Because you describe Laura in a way that makes it feel like she's your one... home. You feel like you can tell her anything and she keeps you laughing. You seek comfort in her and she does provide it. These are all traits that should be applied to Jaz. Of course not one person can handle giving you all of that because that's not realistic, but she should be able to make you feel safe even when the times are bad. She should be your comfort person, not Laura" Mark explained carefully.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now