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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4.. .


"Sorry sorry sorry!!" Laura called out as she closed the door behind her in a hurry.

Her eyes were widen, face red, and she was heavily breathing as she stared back at Johnathan.

He raised an eyebrow at the view in front of him, and then gestured for her to sit in the chair on the next side of his work table.

Laura nodded, sitting down and trying to get her breathing in check as she looked around his office.

"I'm guessing it was a hectic morning" he put his mug full of coffee at his lips.

"Oh you have no idea" she sighted, now having stopped hyperventilating.

"I'm guessing that also explains why you're fifteen minutes late" Johnathan shrugged.

"I'm so sorry" Laura apologized again "I swear I'd set my alarm last night but it didn't go off this morning for some reason and then I didn't know what to wear beacuse the shirt I'd planned on wearing orginally was weirdly missing and then I was stuck for half an hour in traffic-"

"I think I got the jist little one" he interrupted her story telling and she pressed her lips, murmuring another sorry.

Since she did throw on very random pieces of clothing from her wardrobe that day she'd ended up wearing a pair of high waisted, wide-legged jeans, her favorite black heeled boots and a cream colored sweater Vannesa had bought her for her birthday, a pretty necklace decorating her neckline.

For hair she'd quickly straightened them because she definitely did not have time to do curls, and had tucked them behind her ears, showing off the hoop earrings which she'd heard from others 'dress up any outfit' and her make up was quite minimal- which was honestly how she liked it as well.

"It's alright" Jonathan chuckled "And you look fine, so let's get to it. I called you for a reason here today and that's because I want to make a suggestion that might seem surprising at first"

Laura's eyes slightly furrowed at the information, and she slowly nodded "Okay. What is it?"

"Well I was wrecking my brain thinking yesterday and I asked myself one question 'What is the one thing that we need to do to further improve your singing carrier' and then by noon I had the answer" Johnathan explained.

"And the answer is..." Laura gestured for him to continue with her hand.

"More collaborations" he claimed, smiling at her "We realised your first album and you went on tour, and now we're thinking why not mix it up with this next one? You did collaborate before with two other awesome singers and they put a lot of great suggestions on the table even though both of those collaborators were just remixing your previous songs. I think it'll be beneficial to your creative mind, give you a bit of fresh air, and with that also pull some of that singers fans in your direction"

"That sounds exciting" Laura nodded, smiling a bit "Do we already have options? Have you talked to anyone?"

"As a matter of fact I have. I tried to come up with a list of artists that blend well with your sound and aren't too unreachable, and after a few calls or so I got very vague responses from their managers, so I don't think they were quite that interested" Jonathan sighted "And then you started trending on twitter, so I threw away the list completely, because I knew"

"You knew? You knew what?" her eyebrows furrowed.

The more words came out of his mouth the more confused she became.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now