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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 11.. .


"It's the way your kiss the strawberry, the way you put your hands on me" his voice was raspy as he strummed his guitar, sitting casually on his computer chair.

"Oh why'd I let you get to me? It's the way your eyes unlock the key" she sung the next part in a relaxed voice, looking at him.

"Oh darling is it just me? Or can I feel you blush as I kiss it so gently" he hummed.

"Okay really?" Laura looked at him with a bored look on her face, making him stop strumming his guitar to look back at her.

"What?" he innocently asked.

"How many times do I have to tell you... we don't need more sexual lyrics!! This whole thing is just turning into a song to have sex to" she whined, slumming back on her computer chair as she covered her face with her open journal.

"So?" he chuckled at her.

"Laura you do realize not every song you make has to have some sort of puzzle to solve into the lyrics? Sometimes it's just all about the dirty" Rocky explained, glancing at her for a moment before going back to his computer.

"The dirty" Alex snorted a laugh "I'm dating an old man"

"That comment was unnecessary dear" he spoke up, still looking at his computer.

Alex laughed at that.

Yes, Alex and Jaz had taken their places in the studio that night. The movie they were watching quickly finished, leaving them with nothing to do for the rest of their time awake, so they decided to come down and hung out on the couch to watch the others work.

Ryland on the other hand had called it an early night.

"No, I know that" Laura rolled her eyes, getting back to the original talk "It's just not particularly... me"

"Aw are you scared of ruining your American's sweetheart reputation?" Ross teased, looking at her with an amused smile as his fingers strummed a few random keys.

"I literally wrote a song called fuck each other up" she pressed her lips in annoyance "And by the way, being Disney's dreamy golden boy is a worse title you proudly held on your shoulders for numerous years, so don't even try it"

"I was the best they ever had" he proudly announced, stretching his arms out and not-so-accidentally showcasing his toned muscles.

Laura looked down at her notebook again, then looked up with a sigh "Alright I guess we can just throw random sexual innuendos and call it a night"

"Smart and hot sexual innuendos" Ross winked, correcting her.

"Whatever. What was my part again?" Rocky questioned, now looking at his fellow songwriters who lazely sat on their chairs.

While Ross had spread his long limbs all over chair, Laura was snuggled up to hers, knees at her chin- making herself look tiny.

"This" she got up from her position, handing Rocky her journal and pointing at his verse.

He read it a few times in his head before he looked up again, seeing Laura still over his shoulder.

"Are you going to stand there while I sing it too?" he raised an eyebrow.

"My journal with my deepest and darkest secrets is literally in your hands- of course I am" she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she stared at him.

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