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"Alright, she's taking too long. Go get Laura, I need to see how our voices mix" Rocky set his headphones down on his neck, staring at his brother.

"Why don't you go do it yourself?" he raised his eyebrows, looking up at him with a bored smile.

"Cus I'm the older one. Now go get her" he pointed behind him.

"That-... whatever" he gave up on his sentence, not bothering to argue.

Once he went to their room (where he assumed she'd be), he was about to open the door when he stopped abruptly at the sound of her voice.

"This.. is going to be very hard to talk about"

His eyebrows shot up. That did it. That caught his interest, and he stopped in place.

"Come on. Don't leave me hanging" he could hear Vannesa's voice. It was a little faded since she wasn't really there but speaking from her iPad.. but it was enough so he could hear what she was saying

"Well.. I saw a rather shocking dream last night"

The dream?

His hand slowly slipped away from the doorknob, and he approached the door closer.

"Shocking how?"

Oh he was straight up evestrobing now, but he didn't care enough to acknowledge that.

"Well it started with Thomas and me welcoming him in to.. you know, have some fun.. and then.. um.."

He rolled his eyes.

Okay, this wasn't the stuff he was interested in.

"Yeah? What's shocking about that?"

He was just about to touch the doorknob again when..

"Well... halfway through it he turned into Ross" he could hear her hushed voice "Thomas turned into Ross and I was suddenly fucking Ross and oh god Vannesa I am mortified!" she cried out.

His eyes widen.

His obvious first reaction was shock, but after a bit a smile was threatening to make it's way into his face.

He'd thought of the possibly when he'd woken up that morning, after hearing her say his name as well, but truly... he thought he was being ridiculous. There was just no way right?

"He what?!" he could hear Vannesa's freaked out voice "Ross?! Why Ross?"

He wasn't even listening to their words very clearly. His mind kept replaying the moment she said 'I fucked Ross'.

He snorted slightly, feeling amused, but then shut his mouth when he realized he still had to keep his presence hidden.

"I don't know why Ross! I had a whole breakdown about it this morning I don't need a second one okay?" she whined.

"Okay okay" Vannesa breathed in "Pick up the iPad. You can't hide your face from me forever miss. The celining is looking great but that's not what I wanna talk about"

He chuckled quietly when he heard her whimpering slightly as if she was in pain.

Was it bad he was enjoying this? How the thought of her seeing him that way excited him beyond belief? Laura.. his best friend Laura, had a sex dream about him.

Oh, what the hell.

"Maybe it's not what you think it is" Vannesa suddenly spoke up "I mean we all see dreams about friends or hell.. even family members often. There's no logic in dreams so you can be making love to literally anyone since that's out of your control. Sometimes sexual dreams don't even have to neccesarily mean you want that in real life right? It can have some sort of different meaning of forming a connection or something"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now