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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5.. .


"You know you don't have to dress up every time we go to sunday dinner right?"

Thomas turned his head from his reflection at the ring of his financeé's voice and furrowed his eyebrows.

Laura leaned on the doorframe as she gave him a smirk "We're engaged you fool. They love you"

He chuckled at that, shaking his head "The first few times we had dinner with them I was all dressed up, so I think I've given myself a bit of a reputation. If I showed up in jeans today they'd think I was a wreck"

"You know they would never think that" Laura's eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, yeah, you're all amazing people don't get me wrong" he clarified "I just don't feel comfortable going out so casually with company"

"Alright then" Laura's eyebrows slightly raised.

She wondered if he'd still try to put on serious clothing even if they ever went out to the beach together.

She herself wasn't wearing anything too dramatic, just your classic jeans and sweater, but hey if he wanted to dress up, then who was she to judge?

The worst thing that could cause was them not matching each other's outfits at all, but then again she wasn't going to prom so she didn't care.

She let out a small sigh as she turned around from the room, grabbing the keys to her condo as she waited for him to follow.

Once he did so she closed the door behind her before setting off into the cold night.

Her parents lived pretty close to her (just like her sister) so there was no need for her them to hop on a car or anything.

So he followed right after again, and as they walked silently Thomas's eyebrows immediately furrowed "Hey, you okay?"

She blinked, now distracted from her thoughts, and looked up at him "Hm? Yeah I'm okay"

"You're silent" he noted "You're never silent"

"Well that's a very sweet way to call me blabbermouth" she huffed, giving him the stink eye jokingly.

"I'm not kidding" Thomas slightly chuckled at her "What's going on in there?" he tapped the side of her head.

She chuckled, looking down and then at him once again "Thom, I'm fine really. It's just work stuff"

"Don't overwork yourself" he patted her back "And don't overload your brain with too many things in your free time"

But how could she not?

It had been about three days since she got the news about the collaboration, and she'd been thinking about it since.

She had to call Jonathan tomorrow and either tell him yes or no, yet she didn't have the damn answer herself.

She couldn't take much more time either. Jonathan then had to tell Andre and the boys, so the timing was really not up to her.

Of course thinking about it was making her head hurt, but she had to. They needed an answer by tomorrow morning!

She had yet to tell Thomas or anyone really... about the whole thing.

Of course, she'd thought that maybe opening up to him would hopefully help her make a decision, but she really hadn't found the right moment to tell him.

I mean, was it as big of a deal as she was making it in her head?


But was it still something she needed to figure out?

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now