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"Yes we're on our way right now" Laura talked in the phone with a smile on her face as she looked at the road ahead.

"We're?" Vannesa questioned.

"Ross insisted on taking me" she chuckled, then put the phone closer to him as he drove the car "Say hi"

"She begged me!" he called out instead.

Rolling her eyes, she pulled her phone back "He's lying"

"I don't care" Vannesa laughed "Oh since you'll be home can you come to sunday lunch at our parent's today?"

"Vannesaaa" Laura whined "I will have so many chores to do. That place has probably gotten so dusty"

"You have time. Just do it after" she reasoned.

"Su- wait did you say sunday lunch instead of dinner?" she realized, blinking.

"Yeah. Mom and dad are going out to watch a movie at dinner time so they moved it" she chuckled.

"Ooo date night?" she teased.

"Kind of" Vannesa laughed "I don't know. It's cute though"

"So cute" she chuckled.

"Anyway that's all I had to say. See you at lunch?" she questioned.

"I guess" Laura sighted.

"Ok good. Excited to see your face again. Bring Ross along. Bye!" Vannesa ended the call.

"Aw she's excited to see my face" Laura pouted, really showing that little sister energy.

Ross just rolled his eyes, laughing.

"She also said to bring you along" Laura raised an eyebrow.

"It's only fair" Ross replied "Should I sleepover there too?"

"Yeah you can stay in my pink empty bedroom" she hummed.

"I'm just kidding. It's a family lunch, and I've gotta head back anyway" he shrugged, clearing his throat after.

"No. Didn't you say we were practically family? You should fit right in" she smirked.

"Using my own words against me.. smart" he pressed his lips. Yeah he'd walked right into that one.

"Besides how many years has it been since you've been around my family?" she questioned.

"I.. " he furrowed his eyebrows "I genuinely don't know when I saw Ellen last"

"Precisely" she nodded.

The car ride was filled with a lot of music and conversation for the rest of the way, and by the time they had reached their destination it didn't even feel like they'd driven a lot.

He parked his car in front of her house before the two went in, and Laura opened the door, stepping in the house.

"Home sweet home" she sighted, pressing her lips as she wiped the counter clean with her finger, only to see a bunch of dust collected on it.

"You want some help?" Ross offered when he saw her displeased face at the dust on her finger.

"You'd be willing to spend your entire afternoon of your day off with me cleaning my house instead of going back to Stormie's and probably playing chess by the poolside?" she raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

"I've had enough of chess I think" he chuckled "Not a big deal alright? If I help you we can actually get done this by today so you don't have to stay another day here and we can go back to working on monday" he suggested.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now