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THERE IT WAS. Sweet home La.

With it's huge and slightly dirty airport, a couple hundred shuffling feet everywhere you look, that one crying baby by the gates, and that smoking hot atmosphere that made you sweaty the second you stepped off the plane.

She was wearing a long black skirt with a matching dark sweater on top, and she was way too close to ripping them off of her body if it meant getting a bit of fresh air to hit her body. Her glasses stood on top of her nose as her dark weavey hair cascaded down her back and on top of her sweater as she dragged her feet down the airport like the many times before in her life.

She was exhausted and frankly - still half asleep.

"Laura! Here!" she heard a familiar voice, and she looked up from her language to see her sister weaving at her with a grin on her face.

She smiled slightly, picking up speed as she dragged all the language with her all while carrying the weight of a backpack, only to let them go the second she approached her sister to strangle her to death.

Or... hug, but with Laura there wasn't much of a difference.

"Hiii" Laura chuckled as she let go of her sister to look at her.

"How was the flight?" Vannesa asked, a smile on her face.

"Meh" Laura shrugged "Slow and sweaty, and I got no sleep no matter how much I tried.... though there was no crying babies in it so I guess I'd call that a bonus"

"I guess you could" Vannesa laughed at her "You hungry? I thought we could go out for lunch before I take you home"

"Yes! Music to my ears!" Laura clapped her hands excitingly.

"Alright let's go" Vannesa said, only to look back at her sister to see her staring out of the large windows.

"What are you doing?" Vannesa called out.

"Saying bye to him" Laura weaved at the plane like it was the most casual thing everyone did.

Vannesa chuckled, rolling her eyes but taking a quick picture of her little sister's weird antics before she saw her hop back to her.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" Laura raised her eyebrows.

"Yes ma'am"

"Sent it later. I wanna see it" she replies only to have her sister nod.

After lunch Vannesa drove her sister straight to her house, and the girls separated once again.

But seeing as they were literally neighbors she didn't go that far.

When she arrived home she was feeling a bit jetlagged. You'd think being in a plane and to different places so much because of her job would actually get a girl to get used to it, but it never got easier for her.

She opened the lights to the kitchen only to be met with the most startling surprise of her life.

"Holy shit!" she jumped back, putting a hand on top of her heart when she noticed her fiancé standing in front of the table, having set up a romantic dinner for the two.

"Welcome home" he laughed at her reaction, and Laura pouted "Did you have to stand in the dark like that? I almost had a heart attack"

"I thought you'd like it" he shrugged.

"The heart attack?" Laura raised an eyebrow at him.

"No dumbass the dinner date" he chuckled at her, and she rolled her eyes at him slightly, smiling.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now