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warning: explicit content


"I've been in Cabo before but not in Lover's Beach specifically" Ross spoke up "So far I'm loving it"

He smiled after that, giving Laura a sly smile.

She chuckled, and then shrugged "I've never been here before either, but I'm having fun"

"Oh we know" Raini quickly spoke up, looking at her with a mischievous smile.

Laura's little smile fell slightly, and she looked up at Ross on her side.

He was holding in a laugh.

"Ayo! Guess what they have in the back" Calum piped up, walking over to the table.

"I thought you were in the bathroom" Raini laughed.

"I was but I kinda took a round turn- there's a golf course we could try" he suggested- and he was staring at Ross.

"That's tight" he nodded.

"It's like- midnight" Laura checked her phone, then looked back up at Calum.

"There's lights outside dummy. It's all illuminated" Calum winked.

"You wanna play?" Ross asked, and she looked back at him while he got off his seat.

"I'm still not done with dinner" she chuckled.

"Yeah you guys go play- we'll join you later" Raini's smile grew.

"Alright" Calum nodded, turning away.

Ross scrunched down to Laura's sitting level, leaving a kiss on her lips.

Her cheeks almost flushed when he pulled away, and he gave her a smile before following after Calum wordlessly.

She looked back at Raini then- she was twirling her salad around with her fork, an amused smile on her face.

They were silent for a minute, before Laura rolled her eyes "Alright- leave it out"

"You are literally disgusting!" she immediately claimed, making Laura burst out laughing.

"I mean I knew you were kind of the freaky type but fuck Laura!" she threw her hands up, and Laura covered her face.

She was sliding in her chair from both laugher and embarrassment.

"Working out" Raini mimicked her voice.

"Okay stop-" Laura laughed weaving her hands at her "I mean it technically is a work out"

"I didn't need to know that" Raini shook her head slightly, making her giggle "Do me a favour and ignore me next time"

"It's not fair that I'm getting grilled for this" Laura pointed at her "It's literally his fault. I heard the phone and ignored it- but his ass stole it and answered which led to me having to speak"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now