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warning: explicit content.


"Mhm I missed this place" Ross spoke up the second he stepped into the house.

Laura looked back at him, then chuckled "Really?"

"Yeah I have very found memories of cleaning the shit out your kitchen cabinets" he spoke up, then narrowed his eyebrows "Damn I was down bad"

She couldn't help but break into a laugh as she walked into the living room, and he smiled as he followed.

Once he saw her drop off her things, she looked back at him, then gave him a look "Do you want some ice cream?"

Well, that was random, he thought, but..

"Sure" he spoke up, shrugging.

Who said no to ice cream?

She hummed, walking past him and into the kitchen.

He followed after her, watching her in that thin and short pale yellow sun dress, along with the white thin socks combo, that was for some reason driving him a little crazy.

He knew why the sundress turned him on- it was thin, it looked pretty, showed a lot of skin, accessable.

But the socks?

That was a mystery. There was something about that paring and that extra leg shining through.

It was quite clean, innocent, which was maybe why, he wanted to make it dirty.

And as he stared at her legs, she'd already taken out an ice cream box, and shoved a spoon in her mouth.

"You're just gonna eat it straight from the box?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Join me, don't judge me" she rolled her eyes.

He smiled at that, and that smile quickly melted with the sight of that ice cream on the tip of her tounge.

He was staring at her lips now, watching her lick the ice cream off the spoon, swiling her tounge around it to get every part, then pressing her lips innocently and cleaning them off.

And as he watched her take more on her spoon, then do a nice large lick of the spoon- leaving it almost clean, his eyes turned back to hers.

She was looking down at her phone as she ate- but he knew better than to fall for that.

"What are you trying to do?" he whispered lowly.

Her eyes snapped back up to his, then her eyebrows narrowed "Hm?"

"Don't hm me" he huffed, walking behind the counter and approaching her, leaving little to no distance between them "Drop the innocent act"

"What act?" she looked up at him sweetly.

He smiled, taking control of her wrist that held the spoon with the ice cream in it.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now