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"Ah, you make me feel so high.
Ill and flushed I lay on bed oh my. (oh my)
You feel like a fever dream
Sweat dripping down and I can't breathe in,
You're playing with my mind, (mmm)
Is this real or are you just my imaginary sickness?
Baby kiss my forehead and help me out of the scary illness"

Just as she stopped singing she heard whistling and clapping as she looked at her iPad again, and rolled her eyes a little at the boys.

"That was the coolest chorus. Holy shit Laura!" Ross commented, eyes a bit widened.

"Yeah yeah shut up" she chuckled, dismissing his comment.

The main idea for the first song on the ep was already there, and Laura had taken every bit of detail Ross had said out loud when he originally put out the idea of 'Fever Dream'.

Yep, the title was definitely there! Just the rest of the lyrics missing!

She was kidding, obviously she'd written a couple of lyrics and came up with lines, but none of them had been confirmed so for now she was just calling it empty.

She loved song-writing, and it was honestly one of her favorite parts about producing a song. That being said, she came up with a version of what a chorus could sound like, and from what she could gather from their reaction- the boys seemed to like it.

She loved the concept of this single.

Feeling absolutely sickly in love to the point you're living in what seems like a fantasy.

Taking that obsession and crush and mixing it with such a phenomenon like a fever dream, left a lot of room for amazing lyrics, and crazy visuals of their liking.

Who wouldn't want to have a fever dream if their crush stared in it?

"Yeah I agree. Send us a picture of the lyrics so we can write 'em and see what tune matches them better. I really think we've got something here" Rocky nodded at Ross's words, feeling sort of excited about the whole thing.

Laura put her face in her hands as she leaned into her table, giving them a content smile "I'm so happy you guys liked it. You sure you don't wanna change anything?"

"It's perfect" Ross nodded "We'll just add to it. Can't promise there won't be changes during the process though" he shrugged.

"Yes Ross I know what song-writing is. Thank you for the obvious note" she rolled her eyes a little.

"Smart ass" Ross murmured as he looked down at his notepad.

"Dumb ass" Laura murmured back, pressing her lips.

"Hey!" he protested, making her snort out a laugh "I was kidding I was kidding! You're a very smart little guy"

"You're lucky we're not in the same room or I'd definitely have thrown something at you by now" Ross raised his eyebrows "Might just tell your fans how mean you are to me and completley ruin your American's sweetheart reputation"

"Laura Marano, naughty or nice? Exposed!" Rocky imagined a magazine title, making Ross laugh.

"Oh I feel threatened" Laura rolled her eyes "Let's get back to the song-writing shall we?"

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now