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Ross drove Laura to her house that afternoon, and the two held hands that entire car ride.

Once they did make it to her house, she started taking off everything...

First the shoes, then the veil that also held her hair together- making her curled hair loosen in a messy way.

Now, taking off the wedding gown .. well it would be a team effort.

Ross unzipped it for her and then they had to get it off from head, which he helped tremendously in considering how strong and tall he was.

Once he pulled it off of her- he threw it on the bed, and placed his hands on his waist.

Laura let out a large breath, fanning herself "Thank god"

He chuckled at that, but didn't say a thing.

His eyes were rather on her body, the white lingerie and white stockings hugging her figure quite perfectly. So much skin, miles and miles of skin he wanted to kiss.

She looked so damn good.

When she noticed he wasn't even looking at her face anymore, she smiled, leaning on her nightstand a bit as if taking a sexy pose.

His eyes snapped back to hers, watching the humour on her face.

"You are so mean to me" he spoke up, making her snort a laugh.

He approached her then- a smile on his face as he grabbed her jaw, and dipped his head for a kiss.

She breathed him in as he moved his lips against hers, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.

The sound riled him up so much more, and she opened her mouth- his other hand hugged her waist, playing with the fabric on her lower back.

"Ross" she pulled away from him, gasping slightly "Wedding. Remember? The wedding"

It was as if they both needed to talk each other down every five minutes, because the feeling was so addictive that they couldn't stay grounded for too long.

One more push, and they were never getting out of the damn house.

"What wedding?" he gave her a charming smile, biting on her jawline.

She looked up at the ceiling, and her eyebrows narrowed as if calling for help.

She wanted to cry- she was that turned on.

"This is bad" she gripped his shoulder when his mouth kissed underneath her earlobe.

And yes, her hoop earrings, even though not that big, did kick him in the eye.

He chuckled slightly, pulling away from her as he laughed.

She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what was so damn funny all of a sudden.

He felt absolutely lost- the littlest of things triggered his laugh, because he was still so on cloud nine.

"Ross?" she questioned, laughing with him with no clue as to what they were laughing at.

He grinned at her, kissing her lips again.

"You're being silly" she looked up at him, still smiling.

"Get used to it" he licked his lip "I'm letting you go for now- but i'll make it up to you tonight. Over and over and over and over..."

"Uhuh" she nodded slightly, biting her lip.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now