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As her body and mind gained conscience, her eyes fluttered open to be met with darkness.

She furrowed her eyebrows, rubbing her eyes with her hands as she moved her body to lay on her back. She could only see the curtains at her side.

She yawned as she reached over her head, first turning on the soft blue light at the side of her head on top of her.

She reached for her phone at her side, seeing if was exactly 10 am.

She'd slept in.

With a sigh, she decided that was enough sleep for the day, as she opened the curtain to her bunk bed. The bedding section of the bus didn't really have large windows, so the light to her eyes wasn't too drastic of a difference.

Turning off her blue light, she looked down at the ground.

She was in the second bunk bed, and underneath her in the first, slept Ross.

She didn't know if he was awake yet or not, but she didn't want to risk waking him up if he wasn't, so she had to be gentle with her jump.

Hesitantly, she jumped down, then looked at the bunk.

No movement.

Nodding, she went to put on her short ugg boots, which were right by Ross's slippers, then carefully opened the door to the main lounge.

"Good morning dear" Stormie spoke up when she saw the brunette girl stumble out of the bedding section.

She was still in her pjs including of gray patterned pyjama pants and a white oversized sweatshirt. Her hair pulled back in a low messy bun with several strings loose as she stared at the rest of the people who were already up.

Stormie was sitting on one of the couches with Super up in her lap and Velvet (one of their many puppies that they brought over to tour instead of leaving to be with their cousins) at her feet. A few blankets at her side.

Rydel seemed to be washing some of Super's dishes, while Alex (she'd only be staying with them for the first three dates of tour) was sitting on another couch with Rocky at her side.

Riker seemed to be up as well, making some coffee.

"Morning everyone- morning mama" she smiled "I'll be right back to give Super a kiss" she pointed at the little boy in her arms as her hand hung on the bathroom handle.

"Aw you haven't called me that in so long" Stormie pouted a bit, making Laura laugh as she entered the bathroom.

Alex looked away from her boyfriend, raising an eyebrow at Stormie "She calls you mom?"

"She used to a lot" Stormie chuckled "Back in the day when she was a tiny little teen. I've always had a sweet spot for her so of course I was the one to suggest the nickname. She's always been family- whatever the heck is the situation with my boy" she rolled her eyes.

That made Alex and Rocky laugh, as Alex hummed "Ross said that a lot too- about being family"

"Cus she is" Rocky shrugged "And so are you"

A grin spread to her cheeks, and she pushed his shoulder a bit, so he wouldn't see the embarrassment on her face, making him chuckle.

"You know you can call me momma too" Stormie winked "I've got lots of daughters"

Rydel cleared her throat at that.

"Of course you're my favourite one" Stormie spoke up again, smiling at the sight of Rydel.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now