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"Remember when grocery shopping was fun?"

"No" Rocky replied, looking down at the food.

"It was never fun" Ryland replied, sighting.

Ross rolled his eyes at his brothers, now looking at them "Yeah it was. We'd just gotten our first house and we were excited to be independent for once remember?"

"I only remember mom sending us food receipes via messages every week" Ryland chuckled, thinking back to when they first moved in.

"Or our first frat party" Rocky chuckled "Now that was fun"

"We haven't thrown one in a long time" Ryland noted "We should do one to celebrate um..." he furrowed his eyes a bit, snapping his fingers "...c'mon guys, give us an excuse"

Ross and Rocky chuckled, and while Ross picked up another avocado, Rocky found that excuse rather quickly.

"We could throw one to celebrate the collaboration" he suggested.

"Yooo" Ryland patted his big brother's back "Now that's a great idea!"

"Wouldn't it make more sense if we threw one after the ep was out instead?" Ross raised an eyebrow.

"We'll throw one then too" Ryland suggested "And make this one a little smaller. We could cook some barbeque and stuff"

"I'm up for that" Rocky hummed, thinking about how he could definitely go for some barbeque at the moment.

"Alright then" Ross rolled his eyes "Now who's taking the groceries home? Cus I was thinking more of going over to mom's after this. Jaz's there"

"Not me. Alex and I have a movie date planned out. She's waiting for me" Rocky sighted.

"I'll take em. I've got no plans" Ryland shrugged, and then rolled his eyes "And no date"

"You poor thing" Rocky pat his back "The date on sunday didn't work out?"

"She was nice" he made a face "We just didn't click the way I wanted us to. It was so awkward"

"You can't expect the chemistry to show up so fast" Ross adviced as the three kept walking "Shit takes a while"

"What are you talking about?" Rocky blinked "Alex and I clicked instantly"

"Not everyone does" Ross rolled his eyes "I mean I didn't meet Jaz on a date, but a movie set, and those first months we didn't even speak to each other much less have any chemistry. Then our charachters got closer and so did we, and it happened"

"Was there any awkwardness?" Ryland raised an eyebrow.

"I think there's bound to be no matter how much you play it off" Ross shrugged "Just go with the flow bro. You'll find someone"

"I'm perfectly happy single thank you very much" he stated.

"Then stop complaining about it and take the damn groceries home" Rocky pointed to their cart, making Ross laugh.

"Fine" Ryland groaned.


"Where's the carrot? We need one damn carrot" he stated dramatically as he looked over the receipe again.

"Your mom said she bought carrots" Jaz raised a brow "Now where the heck are they?"

The two looked around Stormie's kitchen for a bit until Mark walked in, groceries in his hands.

Timing's A Bitch ➪ rauraWhere stories live. Discover now