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DISCLAIMER: Credit to the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I really can't tell if this can take place in canon or some other au, but they still are the same as they were probably, but who knows I definitely don't know what I did with the title

In the moment of heavy breathing and running, there was rain falling onto Arthur and Tyrian, for context they're running away from enemies they finished off but of course they need to catch their breath so they found an alleyway "At least we completed the mission." Tyrian breathes out and laughed a bit, only Arthur nodded in agreement with Tyrian staying as quiet as he can, that is because he had a injury on his leg and Arthur refuses to ignore it but not until Tyrian does "You're hurt." Tyrian pointed out looking towards to Arthur with concern "It's nothing to worry about, we need to get to that hotel and return to the rest tomorrow." Arthur informed and yet that stubbornness of Arthur won't pass Tyrian, he's already seen how reckless the doctor gets and Tyrian is already worried enough "Stand up then, if you say it's nothing to worry about." Of course then Arthur takes that as a challenge, so then the doctor tries standing up and fails every time, and while Tyrian would brag how right he was it was the right time to not "I can still manage myself." Arthur said and yet Tyrian doesn't accept it still, that was until Tyrian had an idea pop into his head.

Tyrian had a smirk across his face and when Arthur noticed that smirk he was ready to get stubborn again "Tyrian, I know that face don't you dare." Arthur dead pan and without hesitation Tyrian then sweeps Arthur off his feet carrying him bridal style, Tyrian still has that smirk across his face "Tyrian, put me down." Arthur dead pan but Tyrian ignored him and only responded with a quick kiss on Arthur's cheek "Trust me that isn't going to happen, once we got to the hotel you're going to tell me how I can help with that injury of yours." Tyrian said and really all Arthur can do is nod in response, he's still stubborn about being carried by Tyrian but he somewhat feels comfortable although with Arthur being stubborn he wouldn't tell Tyrian that. With Tyrian carrying Arthur and as they made their way to the hotel Arthur started feeling quite safe, it was just unexpected and he's never been carried before, but anyways while they were strictly suppose to be undercover and luckily while getting that hotel room Arthur has it all covered so when they finally arrived it was easy to sneak through, but as for arriving to their room "Arthur could you be such a kind dear and open the door?" Tyrian asked because of course he's still carrying Arthur, the doctor scoffed a bit while both of his arms were around Tyrian's neck he managed to slip to make his hand reach to open the door with the key "Now can you put me down?" Arthur asked but Tyrian didn't anyways when he walked into the room with his tail closing the door behind him "Alright fine, although it was fun until it lasted." Tyrian said laying Arthur on the bed safely of course, Tyrian soon began to follow Arthur's steps on how to heal that injury on Arthur's leg, while that it started to get Tyrian haunting thoughts.

Soon after that Tyrian has been a little silent enough to make Arthur get concerned "Tyrian, are you okay? You've been quiet, and I'm assuming something is on your mind." When Arthur spoken he quickly got Tyrian's attention, there was something about Tyrian having some thought in his head Arthur can't pin point on what it is "You know, I was worried for you when you got that leg injury." Tyrian admitted practically confessing the fact he was also scared of losing him to a simple injury as well, that and he just wanted to carry Arthur "Supposedly I was, but you should have been worried, dear." Arthur tried to reassure Tyrian but he isn't buying it, that's why Tyrian clenched his fist but in the slight anger the worry Tyrian has been taken over him "But I am, sure you've shown capability and such, yet that doesn't stop me from wanting to protect you." There was something in that voice that held a hoarse voice as well, Arthur almost heard it as well and felt sorry really "Tyrian I didn't mean to make you worried, I know fully how much you would want to protect me but I should be able to protect you as well." Arthur was practically apologizing to Tyrian only to realize as well Arthut himself to know how much of a fool he is "Arthur it's okay, I can't bare the thought of losing you." Tyrian spoke with hoarse finally and Arthur felt a bit of shame in himself, it was that or Arthur never had anyone to worry for him "But you won't lose me darling, I'll make sure of it." Arthur comforted and both promised as well, even with so much lies Arthur has spilled onto others he swears this one was a promise "Such sweet words to hear dear but as much as that is promising, you need to prove it." Tyrian said grinning a bit to Arthur, but the doctor had more to say really "I swear I'll never let it happen again, acting ever so reckless and not thinking of consequences, and most importantly you." And by that Arthur was careful with his words to not shame himself so then Tyrian would worry more "Charming of you, but I'll remind myself of that dear Arthur, but we do protect each other." Tyrian said walking to the bed and lay down next to Arthur, at least for a few minutes they stayed like this.

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