Blanket fort!

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist cover Maelwyth on Tumblr!

Cinder, Arthur, and Hazel comes home from a mission and to see their living room an entire blanket fort and from the kitchen is Salem drinking coffee "What the hell happened here?" Cinder asked immediately frustrated "Tyrian, Emerald, and Mercury kept screaming at each other in a  board game and I asked them if they can be quiet and screamed even louder, so I asked them to build a blanket fort" Salem explained to Cinder and popping out of an open space in the blanket fort is Mercury "We have just aligned our blanket fort militaries making it a bigger blanket fort" Mercury clenches his fist in glory.

"Nerd get back in here Tyrian declared we make it all the way to the kitchen!" Emerald pulled Mercury back down. Cinder face palms and mutters silently, Hazel just tries to find how they even start it, and Arthur is in shock "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going in" Arthur sighs "Good luck soldier, me and Hazel will miss you" Cinder smirked at Arthur "Shut it Cinder it's been a long mission and I'm going to see Tyrian" Arthur crouched down getting into the blanket fort.

Surprisingly the blanket fort was well built "Tyrian? Emerald? Mercury?" Arthur doesn't even know where he is right now it was like a maze to him but luckily Emerald appears out of no where "Arthur? Out of all people you come in here?" Emerald smiles "Yes I'm here to see Tyrian, it's been a long mission Emerald and I need your help to find him in this blanket fort" Arthur couldn't find Tyrian in this blanket fort himself "Of course me, Mercury, and Tyrian built this whole fort" Emerald accepted Arthur's request to find Tyrian.

Emerald leads Arthur to Tyrian, When they arrived Tyrian's blanket fort side is edgy, no question there is black pillows and dark purple blankets and white Christmas lights "Yeah Tyrian's side of his blanket fort is edgy" Emerald crawled away from Arthur going back to her side of the blanket fort.

"Whomst summoned the ancient one" Tyrian pops out of no where laughing but Tyrian seeing it's Arthur he immediately flops onto Arthur hugging him "Oh wattsy I can't believe you would actually come into the blanket fort!" Tyrian kisses Arthur, when the kiss broke Arthur smiles at Tyrian "I just missed you that's all" Arthur kissed Tyrian's cheek and Tyrian smiles "Oh you can be my king here in the blanket fort!" Tyrian clapped his hands together and giving Arthur a cardboard crown "You know what, sure why not be childish for a while" Arthur said putting on the cardboard crown and Tyrian put on his cardboard crown, and they hold hands and making jokes and in the distance Mercury and Emerald high five each other as they are happy to see Arthur and Tyrian like this.

But outside the blanket fort Hazel and Cinder try to make their way through the blanket fort and trying to not destroy it "I think the only way we can get through is getting in the blanket fort" Hazel suggested to Cinder and she looked at him in absolute shock "You got to be kidding me right? They got Arthur it won't take me" Cinder promised herself that, but jokes on her, Hazel and Cinder got into the blanket fort.

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