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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! No I didn't choose if this was canon or not I just got really somft for one of the parts written so, enjoy? Also small warning, obviously from the title it's all about scars and strangely enough giving scars kisses I guess because I got soft for that, anyways if scars make you uncomfortable that's understandable and have a nice day

All day long Tyrian has been awfully quiet in Arthur's point of view, it does concern the doctor about the faunus because he knows how something could damage and bother Tyrian enough to make him quiet, so he approached Tyrian who was sitting on the sofa to ask one small question "Tyrian, are you okay? You've been oddly quiet today." Questioned Arthur as he seats himself next to Tyrian as he lays his hand to the faunus' shoulder "Of course I am, why are you asking?" Tyrian lied and has a sharp tone to the last part to what he said and yet it didn't made Arthur apprehensive from Tyrian's tone, in fact it just raises Arthur's suspicion more "Because I'm concerned Tyrian darling. If there is anything bothering you I would want to know so I know how to comfort you." Arthur reassured but Tyrian scolded him, this wasn't the first time Tyrian was like this but this time it was an entire different problem apart from the rest of Tyrian's issues and to Arthur it felt different as well, one simple thing Arthur didn't get to know and be there for Tyrian "I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me." Says Tyrian trying to keep his voice calm, he didn't want to snap at Arthur more and besides the doctor was only trying to help him "Did someone hurt you?" Asked Arthur as he quickly got even more concerned for the faunus "No. And if someone were to, they would be dead." Tyrian says looking away from him and in response Arthur has let out a sigh, the faunus didn't want to disappoint or worry the doctor at all, and yet Arthur is already worried for him. The two stays both silent for a while before Arthur speaks again "Can I at least do anything to make you feel better?" Of course then again Arthur was always the comforting one and ever so the stoic type, he's an disaster to be both anyways "You don't have to do anything, I already told you it's nothing to be worried about." Tyrian once again lied and bold of him to assume he can get past Arthur with lying twice, so the doctor knew what to do to call him out about lying that he's fine and find a way to comfort Tyrian however he can "You can't get away from lying dear, if there's anything you need please let me know." Arthur tried his best to comfort, Tyrian looked at the doctor with a small soft smile "Thank you. Although I would need a minute to myself, is that alright with you?" Tyrian says standing up from the sofa and has a bit of hoarse in his voice "If a minute is what you need then you deserve it." Arthur reassures him as the doctor gave a small kiss to the top of Tyrian's hand, the faunus once again slightly smiles softly at the doctor and gives a nod "Thank you." Tyrian mumbled under his breath before he walks away leaving Arthur behind to worry, but Arthur wouldn't want to bother Tyrian.

Tyrian walked off upstairs into his and Arthur's shared bedroom and closed the door behind him, the faunus even locked the door as well. Tyrian stood in front of the mirror to take a look of himself, Tyrian unbraid his hair and took off his shirt with sleeves to reveal his scars "Hideous." Said Tyrian with wrath and shame. The faunus started to trace one of his scars on his arms, he despised just how unsightly it was and when remembered how he got them it made him shiver and almost cry as well, Tyrian gripped onto himself tightly "I hate these scars." Tyrian muttered under his breath angrily, he felt himself starting to cry. But now for what Arthur was doing, he wasn't doing anything but thinking about what could've been bothering Tyrian and thinking how he could fix his problem or at least to do anything to make Tyrian make feel better "Maybe I should check on him?" Arthur questioned himself and crossed his arms to think this all through. There are two possible outcomes to Arthur checking up on Tyrian, either the faunus asks the doctor to get out or he welcomes him in, and those are both things Arthur is willing to face just to see if Tyrian is doing okay "I might as well take my chances then." Arthur told himself and stood up from the couch to walk upstairs to the front door of their room. Arthur stood in front of the door, he was hesitating every decision he has to check on Tyrian, he then hears glass shattering from their room and with that it made Arthur have his hesitation disappear and opens the door to see Tyrian's tail moving away from the shattered mirror and seeing as Tyrian was on his knees on the ground, he was shaking and weeping quietly, the faunus heard footsteps walking towards his direction "You shouldn't be here, you shouldn't have see me like this." Tyrian hissed out at Arthur and once again it hasn't let Arthur run away or flinch away from the faunus "Dear I know you said that you needed a minute but a minute took you to break the mirror and breakdown." Arthur said kneeling down next to the faunus. Arthur heard small whispers from Tyrian and he wasn't quite sure what they were but he lifts up to hand to Tyrian but the faunus grabs the wrist of Arthur's hand, the doctor hasn't dared himself to leave the faunus like this but when he felt his wrist being tightened from the faunus holding it but he didn't mind because he knew full well that the faunus needed comfort, and yet Tyrian himself wouldn't know that he needed comfort." Tyrian 

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