Sleep, please

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist cover Maelwyth on tumblr! Also you better get some sleep 

Arthur hasn't slept in days it's concerning Tyrian and as for the others, but mostly Tyrian, mugs are almost running out sense Arthur keeps drinking coffee to stay up as much as he can, anytime he widened his eyes it's terrifying for Cinder, at this point she won't hesitate to knock Arthur out with a pan and honestly Tyrian wouldn't hesitate as well.

"I can see every equation I feel like I can uppercut Cinder, I feel unstoppable" Arthur takes his one last sip of coffee, his tenth coffee of the day "Arthur dear as much as you want you really couldn't, she would beat you in a heartbeat" Tyrian puts his hand on Arthur's shoulder "Fine, then I'll ask Hazel to launch me into the sky" Arthur wouldn't normally but at this level he could absolutely ask Hazel to launch him into the air.

"Arthur I love you, but you need sleep any of us will and can knock you out" Tyrian kissed Arthur's cheek "I don't need sleep I need answers, to why lobsters?" Arthur can't grasp the concept of lobsters at this point, but Tyrian picks him up bridal style walking to their shared room and luckily the door was open, otherwise Tyrian would have knocked it down for the fifth time "Put me down!" Arthur asked repeatedly, Tyrian just ignored him.

Once he knocked down the door carrying Arthur he walks up to their bed and Tyrian lays Arthur on the bed and joining him and quickly cling himself to Arthur "You aren't getting out of this bed until you sleep wattsy and I'm not letting go until you sleep" Tyrian promised him and himself that, and Arthur gives in "Damn you and you being concerned" Arthur cursed under his breath.

Tyrian went to sleep fast and Arthur was still awake gently playing with Tyrian's hair, eventually Arthur actually did sleep. But Tyrian did it he actually did it he got Arthur Watts to sleep Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel saw as they sleep and they high five each other and walk away to tell Cinder the good news. Other than that it was an good nap, Arthur is finally can rest, well maybe as long if it's with Tyrian.

Nuts and Volts oneshots because I canWhere stories live. Discover now