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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also this won't be any au, this will take place in the rwby universe so hAH

No one knows about Arthur and Tyrian's relationship and they wanted to keep it that way, for of course many MANY reasons and half of these reasons are because of Salem. But bold of Arthur and Tyrian to assume Salem couldn't see their chemistry together, she could care less of it at the very least. Meanwhile Arthur and Tyrian were in Arthur's room doing the common things they do, which is Tyrian bothering Arthur and Arthur trying to keep his cool "Oh wattsy" Tyrian purred out "What is it this time Tyrian?" Arthur turned around to Tyrian "May I perhaps wear your jacket?" Tyrian asked acting all innocent "I suppose, just don't bother me dear" Arthur said as he continued on his work and Tyrian got all gleeful immediately snatching Arthur's jacket and putting it on and admiring how it looks at him, but with all of a sudden Hazel knocks on the door and without thinking Tyrian hides in Arthur's closet with Tyrian doing that it made Arthur face palm.

Arthur got up from his desk walking to his door and opens it to find Hazel "What is it this time Hazel? And it better not be that Mercury got himself stuck in the kitchen draws" Arthur could have sworn it has happened twice "You have nothing to worry about that, Salem requested to see you and Tyrian soon" Hazel informed Arthur, the fear was soon to take over both of them "We'll be right there as soon as we can" Arthur promised to Hazel, Hazel just nods understand and walks away from Arthur's room. Arthur closed the door behind him and Tyrian falls out of the closet "Did our goddess requested us?" Tyrian asked as if he didn't just fall out of the closet "She did in fact, also please don't ever hide in my closet" Arthur said walking to Tyrian helping him up "Why do you think Salem needs to see us?" By Arthur saying this he may have gotten himself a bit worried "Well I'm sure of course our grace is impressed by our work my dear doctor" Tyrian praised "Or the fact she suspects the both of being together" Arthur theorized, they both do hope it's the work they have done otherwise they will fear for their lives.

Arthur and Tyrian stayed in Arthur's room a little longer discussing about their theories about why Salem needs to see them and what to do, then without hesitation or thinking Cinder opens the door "Hey idiots" Cinder was stopped right there seeing Tyrian wearing Arthur's jacket, the awkward tension rises as the couple and Cinder stare at each other "So you two are a thing now?" Cinder asked them both looking tired and not surprised to be honest "Uh no?" Tyrian lied trying to cover this up "Tyrian was just slightly cold and I gave him my jacket" Arthur went along with Tyrian's lie, Cinder just face palms "At this point everyone may know you idiots" Cinder stated the fact "It's platonic!" Arthur and Tyrian lied yet again, Cinder smirked and rolled her eyes walking away "If she tells a single soul I'm killing her" Tyrian wasn't joking about that, but maybe he will at least attack "I just may have to join you with that dear" Arthur smirked at Tyrian and of course Tyrian being Tyrian smirks back at Arthur.

Finally when Arthur and Tyrian went into the conference hall Salem sat on her seat when Arthur and Tyrian were across from each other, it was silent enough to hear the roars of grimm outside "So I have been noticing how you two work together" Salem stated breaking the silence "I suppose you can be surprised that we are quite capable" Arthur responded to her having his usual smug look "Oh but not just working Watts, it's the way you two bond" Salem said looking at both of them "What do you mean by that my grace?" Tyrian asked tilting his head "Don't play with fire, I know what you two will do for each other" Salem's voice started to sound strict "So tell me now or never, are you to in love and currently together?" Salem asked them both, her voice hasn't changed from behind strict "Ma'am we assure you it's platonic" Arthur lied, by just hearing this Salem face palms but she looks over to Tyrian "And what about you?" Salem asked, she knows Tyrian won't keep anything from her. Arthur and Tyrian looked at each other with fear and worry if they tell the truth, Tyrian looked back at Salem "My goddess forgive me for I can confirm your theory that in fact me and Arthur are together" Tyrian admitted, silence took over the room not only silence but fear as well neither Arthur and Tyrian don't want to loose each other after everything they have been through.

While fear took over Arthur and Tyrian, Salem just needed to process her thoughts "I can accept the fact you two are together" Salem admitted but it's not the only thing she will say "I was just like you in my past and felt the joy of love when I was rescued, I can welcome a couple like you both but if you ever so think about betraying me that is your fate you have chosen for yourselves" Salem said calmly "Of course my grace we will never betray you" Tyrian promised to her "Tyrian is correct about that ma'am" Arthur promised to Salem as well. Salem didn't doubt the both of them "You both have earned my great respect, continue on with your day" Salem stood up from her chair, Arthur and Tyrian did the same and gave a nod to Salem and immediately walked out of the conference hall.

Once the couple made their way into Arthur's room they were relieved "We don't have to hide anymore" Tyrian said with the biggest non maniacal smile and soon enough Tyrian hugged Arthur tightly and Arthur hugs Tyrian back, "And you two said it was platonic" Cinder said smirking as she leaned against Arthur's door and the couple looked at Cinder with Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel were with Cinder "Pay me up Mercury" Emerald said looking at Mercury "You guys betted that me and Tyrian are together?" Arthur asked them letting go of Tyrian "Of course they did Watts, but it wasn't a surprise you and Tyrian are together" Hazel informed Arthur and Tyrian laughs as usual. After a long time of Emerald and a Mercury asking questions they finally let Arthur and Tyrian have their time together, which of course was Tyrian clinging onto Arthur while they both sleep and by just being together for the rest of their days don't have to worry about Salem or others and continue to have amazing teamwork and a relationship.

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