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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This takes place in canon, because why not, yeah you can already pin point they're together in this

Arthur walked around the halls of the Evernight castle looking for Tyrian, with almost no sight he dared himself to assume he was with their goddess but he walks into Hazel and so he assumes Hazel would know where Tyrian is "Excuse me Hazel, do you know where Tyrian is?" Arthur asked with Hazel pausing just a second before answering "He should be in his room." Hazel answered before walking away without giving any eye contact "Very helpful of you." Arthur muttered before continuing off to walk towards Tyrian's bedroom. Once Arthur arrived and just right before he could open the door Arthur could hear Tyrian coughing, of course with being a doctor this would worry Arthur and so without hesitation he opens the door and walks into Tyrian's room "Hello, dear." Arthur said closing the door behind him and seeing Tyrian's hair unbraided and laying on the bed alongside of Tyrian reacting with his tail swaying left and right "And hello to you as well dear doctor." Tyrian said before hiding a cough "Are you sick Tyrian?" Although of course Arthur with being a doctor knew, it wasn't very well hidden either "Even if I was I'm fine Arthur dear." Tyrian lied and sneezes and this whatsoever want get Arthur to leave "You're sick darling, get some rest I'll be taking care of you then." Arthur said while Tyrian couldn't fight him on this he'll just have to lie more "Dear I'm fine, I can still serve our grace with no troubles and I want to." Tyrian practically demanded to still serve their goddess but this doesn't get pass Arthur whatsoever as the doctor slowly approaches to the scorpion faunus "Tyrian you need a break, this is your chance to take a break." Arthur reassured ignoring Tyrian's complaints and stubbornness "How long have you been sick Tyrian?" Arthur asked cupping Tyrian's cheek with one hand and felt Tyrian's face burn up "I didn't keep track, I was a bit tired." Tyrian answered feeling safe with Arthur for a moment until Arthur slipped his hand away.

With Tyrian's answers Arthur immediately walked out of Tyrian's room to get the medicine for what Tyrian needed and when he returned closing the door behind him Tyrian was still laying on the bed "Alright honey, I got just what you need." Arthur said approaching Tyrian with the medicine in hands and lays each of them on the night stand "Are you this worried for me or are you just being sweet?" Tyrian teased as he took one of the medicines to try "Perhaps both, if you needed to know." Arthur responded being a bit smug about it as well and made Tyrian laugh a bit but coughed a but after "Wait what if our grace needs me?" Tyrian asked immediately worried if their grave will disapprove even in the slightest "I'll take care of it, once again you just need to rest, or do you so have little faith in me?" Arthur spoke being confident in himself he can and will protect his dear Tyrian from Salem's disappointment "Oh don't get me wrong I have faith in you, you're my dear doctor after all." Tyrian said smiling at Arthur and felt once again safety by Arthur when he made sure he'll cover for Tyrian for their goddess "And just as you are my dear as well." Arthur said smiling back to Tyrian lovingly of course.

Moments pass by for a bit with Arthur taking care of Tyrian medicine wise until the doctor decided to make Tyrian food so he rises up from the chair he sat on "And where are you going?" Tyrian asked still laying on the bed having the slight desire for Arthur to stay "I'm just going to cook for you darling, I'll be back before you know it." Arthur reassured as he walked out of Tyrian's room alongside Tyrian immediately misses Arthur. The doctor walked to the kitchen with making no eye contact with the rest of the faction that could possibly pass by anytime, once Arthur got to the kitchen he was quick to make something for Tyrian which happens to be chicken soup, with Tyrian being picky on what he eats especially that he would much rather eat dirt Arthur finally caught up on what Tyrian would like to eat and luckily the evernight castle holds enough food and drinks for all "This shouldn't be hard, I learned how to cook." Arthur told himself and making sure to reassure himself while he is in the middle of cooking he began to start to remember all happy memories with Tyrian such as the one time where they both had a date where it was actually at a romantic restaurant and not running away from the authorities, Arthur smiled to himself by the thought of it and yet all was calm until a slight annoyance came in "And what are you doing?" Hazel asked with his arms crossed and giving Arthur a suspicious look, well it seems he is but Arthur wouldn't know "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm cooking." Arthur answered almost having to snap at Hazel "For Tyrian?" Hazel asked once again with no hesitation even with that bold head of his but when Hazel asked his question Arthur quickly look at Hazel "Assume it however you want, let your little theories fly by." Arthur said getting back to cooking as Hazel gave up knowing what Arthur could be doing and walked off.

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