Rainstorm and Thunder

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! So uh okay maybe yes I have done a fic like this before although it's the same criminal au with Azalea, in all fairness it's adorable to me about this au so I'm just gonna bring back Azalea for this one and maybe a couple of other chapters because I'm really soft to this, half of this fic was self indulgent 

While Arthur was getting ready to go over to a simple small meeting that he has "And are you sure that you and Azalea will be okay? There's a rainstorm and thunder soon, and you both have a terrible fear of those." Arthur was concerned for both his daughter and his dear Tyrian about their fears of storms "Arthur it's just a small meeting, you'll be back before me and Azalea know it and if there's any emergency we'll be make sure to call you darling, but then you may as well call us to check if we're doing well." He says as he gives a reassuring smile and a kiss on the cheek, the doctor sighs and slightly smiles at the faunus and gives a soft sweet kiss on Tyrian's lips, Tyrian then of course kissed back but as they separated Arthur brought one of his hand to cup Tyrian's cheek "I hope you're right honey." Arthur was sure to believe in Tyrian and that's all the faunus hoped for the doctor to do as well, then again there was their seven year old daughter Azalea, in which the doctor would be even more worried for them both "We'll be waiting for you my love." Tyrian said giving another cheek on Arthur's cheek and the doctor smiled softly at him. At some point after saying farewell, as soon as Arthur left for the meeting Azalea woke up from her nap and rubbed her eyes "Where did father go?" Azalea asked tiredly as she looked up to Tyrian, the faunus approached his daughter just to pick her up in his arms "He's just at a meeting, and he'll be back soon. Which means we can either build a blanket fort or pillow fort, perhaps both if we're bold enough and having enough blankets and pillows." Tyrian informed and gave his daughter a small kiss on the head as the little girl beams a smile at her dad, although Azalea's smile faded when she remembered about the rain outside that will soon turn into a storm "What about the thunder and rain?" She asked almost sounding terrified to mention it, Tyrian took note of his daughter's fear and his smile only faded slightly "You know, your father always use to tell me the storm won't hurt me when I thought the storm will get me, but don't worry I won't let the storm get us, neither would Arthur." Tyrian comforted her as a good parent should, at the very least Azalea smiled a bit to the faunus' comfort "Now, should we build a blanket fort or pillow fort?" Tyrian asked gently putting down Azalea as the little girl smiles at him "We can do a blanket fort." Azalea answered with excitement as she soon ran off to get blankets with Tyrian following from behind and smiled to see his daughter in such joy as the storm was just outside.

Later on, Azalea and Tyrian have just finished a blanket fort "I believe we did a good job didn't we little flower?" Tyrian questioned as he seated himself on the sofa with the blanket fort Azalea was in, the little girl then smiles at her dad "It's really comfy too." Azalea chirped as Tyrian smiled at his daughter, all was joyous and peaceful for both of them until then there was a loud thunder strike rings in the faunus and the little girl's ears as both of their eyes grew widen in fear, Azalea accidentally made the blanket fort fall onto her and right after the moment of fear was over Tyrian was all but a mess, mostly his hair was but when he felt his vision was blurry and finally cleared up he noticed his daughter being piled up in blankets "Azalea are you okay?" Tyrian questioned with concern as he stood from the couch and still shaken but he moved all the blankets off of her to help Azalea "No. I hate the storms." Azalea says clearly frightened, Tyrian of course felt the same fear his daughter has, the faunus absolutely felt guilty how much of a coward when it comes to storms "I know little flower, I'm so sorry if I can't do much but I promise you that me and Arthur are always right there to protect you." Even if he was weak against storms, he still had to do whatever he can to be a good parent to comfort his child "Dad it's okay, you're doing great." Azalea reassured, she smiled slightly making her dad smile as well when the little girl gives a hug to him, Tyrian sighs in relief and gave his daughter a hug back. A few minutes pass a few piercing thunder sounds deafened Azalea and Tyrian's ears, they both tried to be brave but then Arthur calls Tyrian and he immediately responds "Arthur! Are you coming home soon?" He sounded excited to get a call from the doctor, Azalea saw her dad beaming a smile and assumed it was her father and so the little girl smiles as well "Hopefully soon honey, are you two doing alright over there?" Arthur was still yet concerned for the other two more than a simple meeting "I would say fine I suppose, we wish you we here though." The faunus replied with a weak smile, through the call the doctor sighs in guilt he had to leave them both alone with a storm "I assume something happened?" Arthur hoped it wasn't anything major, he felt as if it was his responsibility to make sure Tyrian and their daughter stay safe "To be honest with you? We may have built a blanket fort, and it kind of fell on Azalea but she's okay." Tyrian explained himself calmly as he tries not to make Arthur panic too much "We're doing okay father." Azalea chirped in to help the doctor to calm down, Tyrian smiled to how the little girl helped to calm down Arthur "Alright, I trust the both of you. I'll be home soon." Arthur says with his voice a bit softened and soon after hanged up the phone.

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