Out in the cold

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Because I'm going to avoid canon this is domestic au where faunuses still exist, you'll expect maybe like one or two more of snow related fics, anyways enjoy this disaster

Tyrian absolutely hated the cold, particularly because he was a faunus but unfortunately for him he's been cooped up in the house because of the cold, if he had to go out to do something he'd have to wear at least twenty layers of jackets but as for Arthur it didn't bother him that much. But as for now Arthur was at work while Tyrian stayed home resting from the snow storming outside of the house, but then Tyrian heard a knock on the door, or at least that's what he think it was "Oh please let it be Arthur coming home early." Tyrian begged and hoped as he got up from the couch and walked up to do the door.

The faunus opened to door to find no one and just when he stepped out of the door the wind was hard enough to slam the door closed, Tyrian immediately realized he was locked out and started knocking on the door. He didn't think of brining either of the keys or his scroll with him but he won't hesitate to break the glass or the door, unfortunately he didn't "I swear to the gods if I don't get into the house sooner or later I'm going to go feral AND freeze." Tyrian muttered angrily as he shivered, it didn't take long for Tyrian to give up trying to get into the house and all he could do is wait for Arthur to come back home. A few minutes pass by more and by every second of it Tyrian shivers but he started to laugh only slightly "Gods if I could I can and will beat up snow." Tyrian said gritting his teeth as his tail curled up alongside of his unbraided hair flowing in the cold, more moments pass by and yet Tyrian is still waiting for Arthur knowing his dear love has spare keys to the house.

It didn't take long for Arthur to finally get off of work, he soon arrived back home and as he stepped out of the car with his coat on he see's a figure at the door, a familiar figure even and so he squinted his eyes "That can't be, it shouldn't." Arthur said to himself and when he finally recognized that was in fact Tyrian his eyes widen. Arthur knew Tyrian hated the cold so without hesitation he ran to Tyrian, when the doctor found the faunus shivering and he quickly took off his jacket and gave it to Tyrian "How long have you been out here dear?" Arthur asked worried and taking out the spare keys to the house "It's been quite a while, I almost came to the conclusion of beating up snow." Tyrian answered to Arthur alongside of making a small joke. Arthur opened the door and helping Tyrian getting into the house and closing the door behind him and Arthur lays Tyrian on the couch trying his best not to panic "Is there anything I could do?" Arthur asked and to be honest he expected a chaotic request, and it was "Burn the snow from our yard." Tyrian dead pan and Arthur replies by sighing "I'll get you a hot cocoa and blankets." Arthur reassured and Tyrian just pouted, as much both of them would kick snow for revenge Arthur has to take care of Tyrian.

Arthur still wondered how Tyrian got himself locked out of the house, well there was this one time Tyrian got himself stuck on the roof "I know this isn't quite the time but, may you answer how you got stuck out there?" Arthur asked finally completing the hot cocoa and walking to Tyrian with the cup of hot cocoa and handing it to Tyrian "Well dear if you're that worried, I thought you or someone else knocked on the door and I stepped out and the door closed behind me." Tyrian explained and taking a sip of the hot cocoa, Arthur saw Tyrian still shivering slightly and to be completely honest he felt sorry and just right before the guilt kicks in Arthur quickly got up to get blankets for Tyrian. It didn't take long for Arthur to get at least five blankets for Tyrian and returning to him "How are you feeling?" Arthur asked putting each blankets on Tyrian "A bit better if I must say, mostly because you are here." Tyrian said giving Arthur a soft smile, Arthur smiled back to Tyrian "I honestly should have been there, that or sooner." Arthur said sitting on the sofa with Tyrian "It's not your fault love, besides this ones is on me." Tyrian tried to reassure Arthur, as comforting as it is for Arthur it's still something he isn't proud of.

Arthur wanted to do more for Tyrian, specifically to help take care of him therefore he's been giving Tyrian a good amount of hot cocoa, even if it's at the risk of Tyrian getting feral by the hot cocoa as well "It's truly kind of you to care this much Arthur." Tyrian simply stated and Arthur looked at him in surprise "What makes you think I wouldn't? Besides we're dating, but don't get me started on how worried you made me when you almost burned the kitchen." Arthur pointed out although he isn't wrong either, all Tyrian could respon with is a small laugh when Arthur mentioned about the kitchen "Well let's be fair I'm not the only one who almost burned the kitchen." Tyrian said as a mischief smirk came across his face "Yes yes I know, Cinder and her children were responsible as well." Arthur said and even almost laughed as well looking back on that memory, they're both really are trying to lighten the mood. Arthur thought Tyrian might need time to rest so he got up from the sofa "Dearest do you have to do paperwork now?" Tyrian complained and Arthur looked at Tyrian raising a eyebrow "I don't, but do you want me to stay?" Arthur asked perhaps realizing Tyrian does need him "Of course I do Arthur dear, you're the one who saved me remember?" Tyrian reminded removing some of the blankets for Arthur, the doctor smiled and joined his dear love on the sofa with arms around Tyrian alongside of Tyrian immediately clinging onto Arthur.

Moments passed once again for the both of them in each other's warmth and comfort, it got a bit quiet for the both of them until Arthur brought himself to ask a simple question "Tyrian, please be honest with me, was it or was it not my fault?" Arthur asked implying for leaving to work and Tyrian in the cold "Arthur my love I'm telling you this right now, it's NOT your fault, I wouldn't blame you for what happened today besides it would be useless to blame you for such a dumb situation I got myself into." Tyrian reassured cupping Arthur's cheeks as he rest on Arthur's chest "Are you sure? I could have done more, and if a stunt like this happens again it could get worse and I will absolutely regret not being there." Arthur admitted, and if something worse did happen to Tyrian it will haunt Arthur "You're already quite stress for yourself more than you should, even for a fool like me." Tyrian said lightly chuckling, to be honest he felt some comfort whenever Arthur worries for him "I'm always stressed, it's something that shouldn't be worried about but of course I will worry for you, but you're the fool I fell for." Arthur stated stroking Tyrian's hair, the faunus really didn't know how to respond and here he also thought nobody would have ever been worried for him "Well aren't you a romantic." Tyrian finally responded smiling softly "For you? Absolutely, but I hate sounding corny." Arthur said before giving a gentle kiss to Tyrian's forehead and slightly smiling back for Tyrian "Arthur Watts being corny for me? What a dream come true." Tyrian laughed a bit, for Arthur getting to hear Tyrian's laugh after what he's been through today was quite a blessing.

Tyrian and Arthur watched as the snowflakes drifted and flown down, as much as Tyrian hated the snow it was calming to see the pure white snow but of course he still isn't convinced to step into the snow but as for the moment he only cared and will cherish he is with Arthur's warmth. But bringing to back now, Tyrian is still wearing Arthur's jacket and it only took a few seconds for Arthur to realize that "Aren't you still wearing my jacket?" Arthur asked and Tyrian gave a small giggle "Yes I am, you can't stop me either because it's comfortable." Tyrian said smirking, both of them knew how much Tyrian steals Arthur's jackets "I'm not complaining, for all I know you can wear it for the day." Arthur reassured, to be completely honest Arthur thought it actually looked cute on Tyrian "Well you do let me anyways, but of course I'm grateful for that dear Arthur." Tyrian said once again wrapping his arms around Arthur and resting on the crook of Arthur's neck alongside of Arthur giving a kiss to Tyrian's forehead "How are you feeling now? Arthur asked Tyrian having to small concerns "Better with you." Tyrian mumbled and receiving another kiss from Arthur "Good, please keep in mind I would've done more." Arthur reminded to Tyrian, they both know that for a fact as well. Tyrian started to slowly drift off to sleep, when Arthur noticed he knows this is his advantage "Rest love, we both know you deserve it." Arthur said stroking his hair, Arthur had no trouble with Tyrian sleeping on him although the first time was a surprise. Arthur noticed the snow finally stopped and he smiled a bit to admire some of the snow "The snow stopped." Arthur told himself but he felt Tyrian's tail wrap around his leg, although he didn't mind it at all, it's just letting him know Tyrian is comfortable and warmth. Tyrian and Arthur rested for a little longer before they volunteered to make a murderous looking snowman for Emerald and Mercury, but right after that they rested more together and other shenanigans, but for the rest it was just Arthur and Tyrian they just cuddled and watched movies as the snow continued to to rage on outside.

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