Yet another date

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Disclaimer: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also dOMesTIc aU wHEre FAuNuses eXIst

Arthur and Tyrian has been busy and haven't seen each other lately, Arthur stays up late at night doing his work in his office and Tyrian doing his things. Emerald and Mercury agree they have to do something to make them see each other again.

"Alright remember the plan Em?" Mercury asked Emerald, he had planned this while Emerald has practiced "Of course I do you idiot" Emerald looked at Mercury, Emerald was about to walk up to Arthur and Tyrian but she was stopped by Hazel "What are you two doing?" Hazel asked crossing his arms "We were going to get Arthur and Tyrian on a date, without bribing them" Mercury responded on Hazel's question "Kids it's good what you are doing" Hazel thumbs up and grinning a bit even "Is there a but?" Emerald asked expecting for Hazel to say something else "Why would there be a but? I'm saying go for your plan" Hazel said also being worried for the both Arthur and Tyrian not being able to see each other due to being busy, he will only let this plan slide one time just so Tyrian and Arhur can spend time together.

"Thanks dad figure" Emerald smiled walking up to Arthur and Tyrian, when Emerald walked away Mercury looked at Hazel "She just called you dad." Mercury teased and laughed a bit as well, Hazel didn't respond to it really but he appreciates it, but back to Emerald "Excuse me Arthur but are you busy? I want to get a milkshake" Emerald asked looking at Arthur "Well lucky you I'm not for the first in a couple of days, why do you want a milkshake now?" Arthur asked "I'll answer later, hey Tyrian are you free?" Emerald asked looking at Tyrian "Surprisingly yes" Tyrian fiddled his fingers, Emerald puts both of her hands on Arthur and Tyrian's shoulders "Great because I'm not free so enjoy your free time having quality time together" Emerald walked away with a smug look on her face as she watches Mercury and Hazel thumbs up.

Arthur and Tyrian looked at each other "I suppose we should have some quality time together" Arthur grinned "I suppose so as well wattsy dear" Tyrian smiled widely. A few minutes later they get into a milkshake restaurant, Arthur has ordered a chocolate milkshake and Tyrian has ordered a cookie dough milkshake and as they have been given their orders along with spoons.

"Excuse me may I have two straws?" Tyrian asks their waiter "Of course" The waiter gives Tyrian two straws and walks away "Oh Tyrian you didn't have to" Arthur grinned, he was immediately stopped by Tyrian sticking the two straws into his drink "Watch this" Tyrian smirked drinking his drink from the two straws "Oh my gods" Arthur face palmed and Tyrian laughs "You truly are a scandalous but also cute" Arthur laughed a bit "Oh but that's why you love me" Tyrian smiles and laughs again.

After getting milkshakes they got home holding hands "Hey you two how was your date?" Emerald asked "Marvelous, thank you for getting us together" Arthur smiled "Of course anything for my other parental figures" Emerald smirked walking away "Did she just call us parental figures?" Tyrian tilted his head "I believe so dear" Arthur responded to Tyrian's question "Well that is somewhat sweet" Tyrian put his hand on his own chest smiling.

Just right before Tyrian was going to get to bed he see's Arthur about to go to his office "Arthur" Tyrian called out, Arthur turned around to see Tyrian walking up to him "Come to bed wattsy, we've both been quite busy and I dearly missed you" Tyrian planted his hands on Arthur's shoulders "I suppose I have been busy, and I apologize for that" Arthur felt his hand being held and begins to be lead to on the bed, Arthur lays down and Tyrian flops onto him "Good night love" Arthur began to close his eyes drifting off to sleep "Good night Wattsy" Tyrian smiled as his eyes close and drift off to sleep as well. They stayed in each other's arms for the whole morning, that was until Mercury came in with pots taped to his feet and smashed pans together.

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