Carry me out

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! There might be some blood just for the warning, the title was also from Mitski Mitski because I got myself stuck listening to her music a lot, she's also the embodiment of nuts and volts, I would also like to apologize for the angst and this takes place in canon, plus now Salem is the one toxic mother 

Tyrian has failed their goddess Salem once again, Tyrian swore that he wouldn't ever again but now he's paying the price of his blood and tears, there was screams of agony and screams for mercy and yet Salem didn't hear them all, for she didn't care to hear it "Pathetic, that's all you brought upon me Tyrian and disappointment along the way." Salem shamed Tyrian, those words echoed in Tyrian's head as for her other words as well, she continued to hurt Tyrian with both emotional manipulation and physical and despite all the pain he took to enjoy it slightly he wanted it to stop immediately. Emerald walked by the room to where Salem was hurting Tyrian, she stood by to listen more and felt sympathy so she wanted to do the right thing, she was going to go get Arthur and when she opened the door without even knocking found Arthur in his office "What are you doing here?" Arthur asked with spite looking at Emerald, and yet he wouldn't know what information she had "It's Tyrian, he needs your help from Salem." Emerald answered immediately putting Arthur in panic and anger, he stood up from his desk and walked by Emerald without even thanking her because thoughts were all over his mind and once he got to where their grace was hurting Tyrian he found the faunus on his knees trembling in pain with both blood and tears dripping, by the sight of this it petrified Arthur and when Salem noticed Arthur was standing there she looked at him with spite in her eyes "I'm assuming you had something to tell me Watts?" Salem asked and by mentioning his name Tyrian didn't want to turn around to look at Arthur and instead kept his eyes on the ground with his unbraided hair covering everything he could see almost, Arthur approached Tyrian just to stand in front of him to protect him "I actually came here to pick someone up instead, away from you specifically." Arthur said holding back the hate and anger he has for Salem in his tone, he helped Tyrian to get him up "Who said you could waltz in here and get Tyrian?" Salem asked but then she found herself silent a bit when she saw herself to just as protective as Arthur, before either of them could speak Arthut got Tyrian out of the room quick.

Arthur helped Tyrian to walk down the halls of the evernight castle, Arthur felt Tyrian shake so much in absolute fear "Thank you." Tyrian breathed out with tears falling more, he loved Arthur's protection and while he still praised their goddess he felt fear towards her "You're welcome, you know I'll always be there to protect you Tyrian." Arthur said opening the door to their bedroom letting Tyrian in first, well he helped him getting in and immediately closed the door behind them "I'm going to take care of you, so please rest." Arthur said getting out medical supplies, Tyrian only nodded in response for Arthur and walked towards the bed almost stumbling but just luckily enough he got to sit on it trying not to get any blood on the bed. Some silence took over until Tyrian spoke with "I failed her again." Tyrian said with hoarse and crying a bit more "You didn't, you're doing a great job and if our grace can't see that then clearly she needs to." Arthur reassured approaching Tyrian with the medical supplies in hand and sitting next to Tyrian "But Arthur, I did, you should've heard what our goddess said and I fear it might be true." Tyrian hated himself for it as well, and Arthur? He has so much to say otherwise "Whatever our grace said to you, no matter how much it could hurt, it's all lies she told you because you're not any of those." Comforting words like those could make Tyrian breakdown more, he trusts and believes Arthur truly and if what he said was true then Tyrian will take comfort in that "Are you sure?" Tyrian asked with hoarse in his voice and surely Arthur was right about it, he was always right "Of course I am, no matter what I'll still love you." Arthur comforted once again and he brought his hand to tuck Tyrian's hair behind his ear to see him more clearly, to his surprise Tyrian was blushing a bit, Arthur smiled a bit "Thank you dearly Arthur." Tyrian thanked, Arthur just nodded instead and started to take care of Tyrian such as cleaning the blood with a wet cloth, stitching up scars, and others while that Tyrian has admired Arthur's every step in his process to help him.

Nuts and Volts oneshots because I canWhere stories live. Discover now