Vampire au (I regret this)

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This is uh part of a Halloween special??? Also this will also be a domestic au where faunuses exist and there will be blood, but anyways enjoy this s o m e h o w

It hasn't been a good day for Tyrian because he has just escape from a fight and leaving with some bruises, as of right now Tyrian wonders around the forest near his neighborhood but he hasn't gone into the forest much so he doesn't know where he is going. As the sun starts to set down the clouds storm together as it begins to rain "Of all days really?!" Tyrian shouted looking up to the sky seeing the clouds as the rain poured down on his face, Tyrian just continued walking muttering angrily.

"Give me at least ONE good thing today" Tyrian muttered angrily clenching his fists, Tyrian doesn't know how long it has been being in the forest but all he needed was silence, well that is until Tyrian saw a castle as much as it looked old he would love to explore it. Tyrian got to the castle doors and opens it, he hasn't seen much of it until he actually walks in and closes the doors behind him "Hello? Anyone here?" Tyrian said as his voice echoed to the halls and as he looks around to see a room of what he assumes is the living room with fire like light and walks into the living room but on his way he saw beautiful decorations and once he made it into the room he saw laboratory glassware and some papers scattered around the floor and a laboratory glasses on one of the red velvet chairs.

Tyrian sat on one of the empty red velvet chair watching the fire while at it "Excuse me what are you doing in MY home?" A voice occurred, Tyrian looked around to see who it was but it was no one "My dearest apologies for I'm just seeking shelter" Tyrian said quickly getting out of his chair "Choosing here is a terrible decision" The voice responds, a figure steps out of the shadow as he wears almost all black with at least some red and a long black cape, the figure saw Tyrian's bruises "You should have told me that you had been injured" The figure spoken "Oh that? It's fine, I'll get out of your hair" Tyrian spoken back to him "No you can stay, I will insist on it" The figure all of a sudden gave Tyrian a roll of bandages "Well you have my thanks mysterious stranger" Tyrian said grinning starting to patch himself up.

The figure picked up the laboratory goggles tossing it on the floor and sitting in the other red velvet chair "What is your name anyways?" The figure asked Tyrian "Oh well it's Tyrian Callows, it would be rude of me to not ask you what your name is" Tyrian said to the figure "It's Arthur Watts, but you may call me Arthur" Arthur responded to Tyrian "Ah well Arthur what are you doing here?" Tyrian asked yet another question "I don't like living around with humans, some of them can be annoying" Arthur said crossing his legs "Oh I completely understand that from someone who lives in a neighborhood with some humans and faunuses even, but are you a faunus as well?" Tyrian assumed "Oh darling I'm not human" Arthur said smirking and showing his teeth, but to Arthur's surprise Tyrian doesn't seem frightened. Tyrian in fact is actually just surprised "Well I may have guessed you aren't human sense you let me, a faunus even stepped into this castle" Tyrian laughed a bit "Why wouldn't I?" Arthur asked Tyrian being a bit concerned "Well as you can see some humans hate faunuses, I'm one of the lucky few just to scare them off but of course not my favorite humans" Tyrian said smirking.

They spent time together even when the rain stopped "Have you even been in contact with another human?" Tyrian asked Arthur "Only my victims and a human girl who visits here" Arthur admitted to Tyrian, and he laughs a bit "I should have expected that sense your a vampire" Tyrian said continuing to laugh a bit "I should have expected such a darling like you to be frightened by me and run away" Arthur said laughing a bit with Tyrian, when the laughing died down Tyrian checked his scroll for the time "Oh my gods it's already midnight" Tyrian said with the shock in his voice "I assume you must be getting home I see?" Arthur asked Tyrian feeling a bit down about it "I suppose so, but if you like you can walk me home" Tyrian said grinning getting up from the red velvet chair "I believe I would like that" Arthur said standing up from the red velvet chair. The both of them walk out of the castle, seeing as the rain stopped but the clouds still stormed together "So do you have anyone at him?" Arthur asked "Well if your asking about a lover no I actually don't have one yet I'm yearning for a man who can sweep off my feet" Tyrian said with the biggest and goofiest smile on his face "Well I think I can be the man you're looking for" Arthur flirted and smirked and gives a wink to Tyrian, surprisingly Tyrian becomes flustered.

Arthur and Tyrian walked and talked endlessly, that is they seemed to be stopped by the same guys Tyrian fought today "Hey look it's the faunus freak!" One of the guys shouted "Gentlemen as much as I would love to fight you I am with him right now" Tyrian tried saying patiently but clenched his fists, one of the guys walked up to him almost about to punch Tyrian but stopped by Arthur specifically Arthur grabbed onto the man's fist before it could punch Tyrian in the face "I'm quite sorry gentlemen but I won't let you disturb my lovely night" Arthur said with a sharp tone and punches the man in the nose "You broke my noise!" The man shouted at him seeing all the blood on his hands and watched as Arthur licks off some of the blood off of Arthur's hand "You can walk away as pretend this never happened and never bother HIM and any other faunus again or I will suck your blood and make you each watch the other's lifeless body falls" Arthur said it smoothly and smirking, the men looked at Arthur with fear in their eyes and ran away.

Arthur and Tyrian watched the men run away in fear and almost trembling "Never has someone stand up for me like that" Tyrian said immediately cherishing this moment "Dearest from the moment we met I knew you would be special to me, if you would like I can stay with you tonight and you can show me many human things" Arthur said kindly smiling "Arthur Watts, I will be delighted if you come to my home tonight" Tyrian said smiling back to Arthur, both of their hands lay in each other's hands. And once again they continued to walk and talk especially not to be bothered by anyone else on their lovely night together, once they made it into Tyrian's home Arthur was fascinated by so many things but what he found more fascinating was Tyrian especially his tail and you can pin point how many human questions Arthur asked Tyrian.

But later that night it was great for the both of them but until Tyrian got a bit tired "Arthur I'm getting quite tired, are you staying tonight or returning to your castle?" Tyrian asked looking at Arthur who was by the blended about to put a egg in it "I'll be staying if you don't mind" Arthur said stepping away from the blender "I won't mind at all" Tyrian said smiling at Arthur as he closes the curtains. Tyrian brushed his teeth as Arthur prepares himself to sleep, well not on Tyrian's bed he would immediately get flustered and as Tyrian walks into his room just to find Arthur on the floor "Arthur? Please tell me why you are on my floor" Tyrian asked putting his hands on his hips "Because it feels nice?" Arthur lied "Fair enough I suppose, know you are welcome to sleep on my bed" Tyrian assured to Arthur "Oh I'll be better off on the floor" Arthur said becoming flustered again.

Tyrian slept on the bed as Arthur sleeps on the floor, honestly if Tyrian could he would sleep on the floor as well "Tyrian are you awake?" Arthur asked still laying on the floor "Not really, why?" Tyrian asked Arthur "When I return to my castle, will you visit?" Arthur asked, while yes the human girl visits the castle it's not like she should be the only one "Of course I will Arthur" Tyrian promised and smiles "Only if you promise me to visit at night, especially on Halloween to scare off children" Tyrian said laughing a bit "Oh of course I will do that with you and I promise to visit you at night, but if it's not night you can find me wearing everything black and with a umbrella the human girl gave me" Arthur stated, the both of them laugh together and talked more for a bit but eventually they fell asleep and Arthur ended up on Tyrian's bed.

The next day Tyrian woke up to find Arthur gone but he left a note on Tyrian's nightstand "A note?" Tyrian asked to himself, he picked it up and read it to himself and can't help but smile "This is note is sappy" Tyrian mumbled to himself and rolled his eyes, yet he still smiles. From that day on Tyrian and Arthur have visit each other endlessly and even Tyrian got to meet the human girl who was in fact Weiss Schnee, yes they did act like her parents and Weiss became Arthur's wingwoman when he fell in love with Tyrian and honestly it was insufferable for Weiss to see them both flirt and be oblivious but luckily for her they did end up together as a couple, sense Arthur's castle was old he wanted to live with Tyrian and Tyrian on the other hand helped Arthur to stay away from the sun and hunt down his victims, normal couple goals with the other significant as inhuman but still, Tyrian and Arthur are happy together.

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