Grocery shopping (Domestic au)

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist cover Maelwyth on Tumblr! And again Faunus exist in this a au-

Salem has sent Tyrian and Arthur to the grocery store and before they walk into the store Arthur grabs Tyrian by the shoulder "Tyrian promise me you won't make any shenanigans while we are in the store" Arthur pleads "Arthur love you know me, I can't keep promises" Tyrian smirks.

Later in the store Tyrian has done nothing yet, well that is until when Arthur was picking out some fresh vegetables and Tyrian comes in, he is currently in the cart with a bunch of junk food and the only way he is moving that cart while he is in it is by two mops and using them like he is sailing a boat, and oh boy did Arthur absolutely was about to loose his marbles.

"Tyrian why, why do you do this" Arthur walks up to Tyrian in the cart "If it fits I sit" Tyrian explained "How does that make sense? And how many of that junk food did you get?" Arthur cannot absolutely understand the concept of any of this. "I was getting bored and decided to spice it up a little" Tyrian grabs two bottles of spice and shakes it "Also I have no idea how many junk food I got I see it, I put it in the cart" Tyrian lost track of counting how many junk food he got. "Then what's with the mops?" Arthur asks "Either we needed new ones, wanted to fight someone with it,or to help me move the cart as I am in it" Tyrian explained.

Arthur face palms "Tyrian I love you, I truly do but I don't even know if we can afford ALL of this" Arthur tries counting how many Tyrian got all of this junk food counted but lost track and feels frustrated about it but they bought it anyone.

Going back to the car was the hardest part of it, Tyrian feels no guilt somehow but when they were driving back home Tyrian knows how frustrated Arthur was, and as they got back home Hazel was outside and saw all the bags "Let me guess Tyrian?" Hazel asks Arthur "I thought it was obvious" Arthur snapped back and Hazel rolled his eyes and helped picking up the bags.

With those arms and strength he probably picked up at least five, and finally when they were done Tyrian wants to apologize to Arthur so as he walked up to Arthur tapping on his shoulder and Arthur turned around "My dear wattsy I wanted to apologize to you for all the things I got from the grocery store I should have thanked first before I do my shenanigans" Tyrian felt real good about himself and Arthur sighs "Tyrian you know I love you and accept your apology but what you did was absolutely chaotic and frustrating" Arthur kisses Tyrian's cheek "Aww wattsy" Tyrian smiles and Arthur smiles back.

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