The Faunus of Notre Dame Pt.1

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Me and a friend had this idea and I had to watch the entire movie and make a few changes, so not every scene is accurate or part of the movie and rather done different, but it's still compared to it sO but I will add notes to some context after! It's just essentially a Hunchback of Notre Dame, it still takes place is Paris

For the faunuses it's a hard life in the city of Paris, but one faunus stood out for the rest, a scorpion faunus that is and his name is Tyrian Callows an member of Salem's faction and a rouge against James Ironwood who ignored faunus rights and their suffering as James still judged every single one of them. But other than that today is a festival, a festival of fools and James with being the head general had to attend the festival but absolutely hated it but he isn't the only one who has to attend to it, it's Arthur who has to attend as well. 

As of currently right now Arthur watched as the parade roam on and with James having to be part of it "Looks like James is having fun." Clover appeared next to Arthur joking "Oh please I've grown up with James he absolutely doesn't." Arthur scoffed but laughed a bit at Clover's joke, but all of of sudden Clover saw a fight going on and quickly ran to it trying to stop it as Arthur watched a stranger in a hood bumped into Arthur "Watch it!" Arthur yelled and seeing the stranger turn to face him, the stranger had gold eyes "My apologies." The stranger said as he ran into the crowd. Arthur continued to watch and even walk around everyone having their fun such as dancing, singing, drinking, and being fools but when performers came on stage Arthur got to James and stood beside him "Having fun?" Arthur teased and all James could do is scoff.

One of the performers Arthur recognized, it was the stranger in the same hood and golden eyes but as the stranger performed dancing Arthur thought it was absolutely graceful and beautiful but as the dance was towards the end the crowd cheered for the stranger, well that was until his hood dropped and the stranger's scorpion tail flickered and then suddenly everyone shamed him. As the scene unfolds it has became James' amusement but it's shocks Arthur, he knew he had to do something James will never do and so he ran to the stage the scorpion faunus was on grabbing his hand "Let's get you out of here!" Arthur yelled as he looked upon the crowd in shame. Arthur ran off the stage with the faunus running away from the festival, when they finally stopped running the scorpion faunus looked at Arthur "Why did you do that?" He asked raising an eyebrow "Well I simply stand by and watch could I?" Arthur answered to his question, the scorpion faunus felt shock "And what is your name?" The scorpion faunus yet asked another question "Arthur, Arthur Watts, and yours?" Arthur told and asked back, the scorpion faunus took a moment to process, even for a human like and of all of them it was Arthur so saved him "Tyrian Callows at your service" Tyrian said with a smirk "I must get going though, I dearly hope to see you around Tyrian." Arthur said walking away, from the moment they introduced each other Arthur had a feeling for Tyrian.

Arthur walked back to the castle of Justice, essentially a home of James and Arthur and as the doctor entered he saw James standing there as he waited for Arthur "Why did you do that? You swore on one rule and you broke it." James said slightly angry "James you saw what they were doing to that faunus, you saw what happened to all the faunuses frankly." Arthur snapped back at James, the both grew distant along the years alongside with anger "It's my job to protect the people Arthur, part of that is from faunuses." James looked at Arthur with cold eyes before turning away "They did nothing wrong to you." Arthur muttered reassuring himself James didn't hear him. Arthur returned to his room closing the door behind him, he still hasn't forgotten about Tyrian and how unfair he was treated well that and to Arthur he was pretty cute.

James walked into his room being angry a bit at Arthur, the man who grew up with him had the audacity to protect the faunus when James strictly reminded him they keep out faunuses and if they don't that's their own fate to face. While James was stuck in his own thoughts Clover came in unexpectedly "Excuse me sir? I understood Watts has rescued a faunus, is there anything I could be?" Clover asked with his arms behind his back as James sighs thinking long and hard about this "Find that faunus, and lock him away." James strictly ordered, to Clover he had a doubt about this but took the order anyways. Clover went out room and out of the castle gathering and ordering his men to go find Tyrian and return him alive, or at least that's what James wanted.

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