Royal, Once Again

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist to Maelwyth on tumblr! Have I wrote an Royal au already? Yes I have, and am I going to do it again? Yes I am, just with a bit of changes in this au

Arthur Watts, the king of a kingdom that has the menace assassin, Tyrian Callows. Although the king had fallen in love with the assassin, and so did Tyrian fall in love with Arthur. Of course, Tyrian was loyal to Arthur, just as the king loved the assassin's stories and just about everything that Arthur finds endearing about Tyrian. In time they've become so close, lovers even, and the king could care less if Tyrian was a bloodthirsty assassin or isn't royal, Arthur loves him regardless, and so one night where Tyrian was finally returning back to the castle after being away for months for being sent to a task, the king sits on his throne and waited patiently for his beloved assassin to return to him. Along with some thoughts spiraling in the king's mind, just as he held an emerald ring that's been passed down from his family, the emerald ring that a Watts will give to their lover, Arthur was with his own thoughts for a whole until a voice came to the king's thoughts and presence "Are you sure about proposing to Callows?" A friend of the king's spoke to him, Willow Schnee, Arthur glanced at Willow Schnee and grinned in reassuring about his decisions "I'm sure of it, Willow. Me and him have been together for what felt like decades, I thought it might as well feel like it would be the right time." Arthur remarked as the gem in the ring reflected from the king's emerald eyes, Willow gives a smile at her dear friend, of course she was happy that the king told her that he was going to propose to his beloved assassin to be his husband and sit by him on the throne "I'm sure your heart is in the right place, Watts." Willow spoke proudly, Arthur gently scoffed at his friend "Willow, we've known each other for such a long time, surely you know to address me as Arthur." The king reminded, they both share a laugh until the guards announced that Tyrian has returned from his task, Arthur smiles a bit but of course he must be in glee to see his assassin return. Tyrian smiles widely with the blood dripping from his his dual wrist blades, his eyes glistened in such thrill, joy to finally see his beloved Arthur once again "King Watts! Oh how a pleasure it is to see you once more." Tyrian bowed, but the tone of his voice was a little tease between the two of them, Arthur let out a breathy laugh from his lips "And a pleasure to see you return." Arthur spoke adoringly of Tyrian and his return, the assassin smiles widely at the king as he approached the throne "I'll leave you two at peace, I have to see how my daughters and son are doing." Willow gave a gentle pat on Arthur's shoulder, she smiles a bit at the two of them as she made her way out of the throne room. Tyrian smiles softly at Arthur as he straddles himself on the king's lap, thankfully there wasn't anyone else in the throne than just the two of them, Arthur lays his hands on the assassin's hips, his emerald eyes looking into golden eyes "How did your task go, darling?" Arthur inquired, Tyrian lets out an unhinged chuckled at his king's question "Graciously and successfully, such a thrilling massacre and retrieving what you need." Tyrian widely smiles at Arthur, the king's hand came to cup the assassin's chin and gently stroke his thumb across Tyrian's cheek, Tyrian softly smiles at Arthur and leaned into the touch "I'm very glad to hear, you've done such a good task as well my dear assassin." Arthur praises his beloved assassin, he was relieved that Tyrian wasn't harmed as well. Tyrian leans in and gives a gentle kiss on Arthur's kiss as a claim of affection for his king, to which the king humbly welcomed. Arthur smiles gently at Tyrian "Shall we take this elsewhere my dear?" Arthur kindly offered to Tyrian, the assassin snickered at the king "I thought you want to stay with your throne, as you are a king after all." Tyrian teased, widely smiling at the king, Arthur then scoffed at the assassin for the little tease about him and his throne, the assassin gave a little kiss on Arthur's forehead "I'm not seated at my throne always, any other moments I'm with you." Arthur gently reminded with his voice stern, Tyrian hummed quietly in response and looks up to the king with his golden eyes admiring the emerald ones, Tyrian missed looking into those capturing eyes, and he'll take his time to admire it so "Ah, you're right Arthur. I suppose we may take this elsewhere, at the very least comfortable." Tyrian purred as he got himself off from Arthur, careful to not sway or sting his beloved king with his scorpion tail, the king raises a brow as the assassin gently grabs a hold of his hand "You wanted to take this elsewhere, it's been such a long day for the both of us, might as well make the rest comfortable." Tyrian lead Arthur to the king's bedroom, once entered, the assassin swiftly took his bloodied coat off by the tip of his scorpion tail "Must you leave your bloody coat in my room?" Arthur gently scolded to Tyrian, the assassin snickered and turned his head to glance at the beloved king "And yet you've pay no mind to fooling around with me." Tyrian purred as he approached Arthur, wrapping his arms around the king's neck and his tail loosely around Arthur's waist, leaning close to Arthur's lips and gazing down on them "Ah, alas you're right. But I certainly love spending my moments with you, with or without the crown and throne." Arthur adoringly said to Tyrian, the assassin widely smiles admiringly at the king for his kind and loving words "I enjoy those moments with you as well. Believe me, I love those moments." Tyrian replied happily, his lips leans in close to Arthur's lips, pressing in a soft and long kiss, the king kissed the assassin back, graciously. Arthur slowly lead Tyrian to the bed, they haven't parted their kiss when Arthur unbraid Tyrian's hand with just the thread of his fingers, Tyrian hummed in content of their continuous kiss, Arthur parted for a moment to see the view of Tyrian practically under him with his long dark brown hair spread out "I've missed this pretty sight when you're on tasks." Arthur adoringly said with a low purr, Tyrian softly chuckled at the king, although he was flattered that Arthur genuinely misses Tyrian when he was on tasks and such "Oh, my darling king I'm sure you have. Take all the time you need to admire this view." Tyrian replied with a purr as well, Arthur draws him back into the kiss, the king trails his hand to cupping the assassin's cheek, Tyrian leans into the warm touch as Arthur's lips was still on his. Tyrian smiled into their kiss, but when Arthur parted for a moment, the king just smiles at the assassin, Tyrian lets out a soft and breathy laugh at Arthur adoring him "Arthur, dear you've acting a bit strange, not that's a bad thing or anything my beloved king. Although, it does strike my curiosity." Tyrian admits gently to Arthur, the king took a deep breath and just smiles at the assassin, Arthur's hand on Tyrian's cheek was softly stroked by his thumb, and once again Tyrian leans into the warm touch of Arthur's hand as emerald eyes gazed at him and those golden eyes"I love you, that's all. And besides, I have a special plan today for the both of us." Arthur said, as Tyrian wanted to question and what Arthur meant by his special little plan, but then the king leans in to the assassin's temple with a gentle nip at Tyrian's ear "Although, before I spare any details, I'll have to show how much I missed you." Arthur purred with intent of his promise, Tyrian knew how very well this was going to be. As they stripped away from their clothing quickly, Tyrian smiles as he wrapped his arms around Arthur, pulling him close and closer with his scorpion tail "By all means, have your way." Tyrian says, the assassin saw Arthur give a small smirk at him, Tyrian smiles back at his beloved, he felt the king's hand trail to cup the back of Tyrian's neck while those emerald eyes gazes at Tyrian beneath him "And by all means, I'll enjoy it so." Arthur said in such a low and calm voice, the king presses a soft kiss to Tyrian's neck before he draws Tyrian back into their kiss. Tyrian and Arthur spent almost an hour of nothing just touches and kiss, the king adoring Tyrian's body and trailing his hands on the assassin's scars, Tyrian kept smiling weakly at the pleasure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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