The accident

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also domestic au where Faunuses exist because I'm salty also because Ironwood makes an appearance-

Arthur was sitting on the sofa in the living room and waiting for Tyrian to come home, it has been a few hours ever since Tyrian left and for a while it's been worrying Arthur. Soon enough Arthur was beginning to be buried in his own thoughts that is until he was snapped out of it by Roman chasing Cinder, who stole his hat "Give it back you witch!" Roman shouted as Cinder puts on the hat "Look at me I'm Roman Torchwick! And I wear heavy eye shadow" Cinder said smirking "Idiots" Arthur muttered.

Everything was uplifting, that is until Hazel walked in with his fists clenched. Hazel looks right at Arthur with a gloomy expression "We need to get to the hospital now" Hazel's voice was strict and low "Why? Hazel why do we need to go the hospital?" Arthur said demanding answers "Just get in the car" Hazel commanded and grabbing the car keys. As they got into the car and with Hazel driving Arthur kept demanding for answers, with that and Arthur's fear growing and growing more.

Finally they arrive to the hospital, both of them get out of the car "Hazel this would be a good time to tell me now" Arthur said clenching his fists "I'll tell you when I'm done discussing with the doctors" Hazel promised to Arthur. As they both got into the hospital Arthur was growing more suspicious, by the time they got into the waiting room Arthur was sitting on the chair and Hazel was discussing with the doctors then a familiar face comes up to Arthur, it was James Ironwood "Arthur I'm glad your here, I'm so sorry" Ironwood said putting his hand on Arthur's shoulder "I don't even know what's happening, Hazel won't tell me" Arthur crossed his arms, Arthur saw that Ironwood's eyes widened "You don't know?" Ironwood asked as his hand swept away from Arthur's shoulder "Frankly yes, would you tell me?" Arthur asked, by when he saw Ironwood's eyes widen Arthur's fear grew more.

"I can't, I shouldn't be the person to tell you" Ironwood said sitting next to him Arthur sighs, Hazel walked to Arthur and Ironwood "You didn't tell him?" Ironwood asked Hazel "For his own good Ironwood, but I regret hiding it from him" Hazel crossed his arms "Can someone PLEASE tell me what's going on?!" Arthur shouted getting up from the chair furiously. Hazel and Ironwood felt regret and shame for not even telling their friend for what happened "It's Tyrian, he got into a car accident, Arthur I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Hazel felt a little better telling him, but he felt regret telling Arthur.

Arthur's eyes widen, all he felt was despair and disconsolate "Tyrian" Arthur whispered feeling himself almost crying, Ironwood and Hazel were quick to try to comfort Arthur. Arthur didn't know how to breathe and focus "I'm going to slap him" Ironwood took off his glove "You are NOT going to slap him" Hazel looked at Ironwood with strict. Hazel helped Arthur to focus and breathe, eventually Arthur was able to focus and breathe and once he did he looked right at Hazel and Ironwood "Where is his room? I need to see him" Arthur asked, all he needed right now is to be there for Tyrian when he wakes up "I'll ask the doctors" Hazel walked up to the doctors asking for Tyrian's room, once again Arthur sat on the chair "Are you going to be okay?" Ironwood asked Arthur "Probably not, my boyfriend just got into a accident how do you think I should react?" Arthur responded slightly snapping at him "Fair point" Ironwood crossed his arms.

For a few minutes after Hazel was done discussing with the doctors and finally has news for Arthur, Hazel was quick to walk to Arthur "They said it was only a minor car accident, they said you can stay in his room until he wakes up but they are unsure when he will wake up" Hazel puts his hand on Arthur's shoulder "Where is his room? And they damn well got it right saying that I'm staying here until he wakes up" Arthur felt at least a little better, Hazel lead Arthur to the doctors who also lead him to Tyrian's room.

Arthur found Tyrian with some bruises, bandages, and some small scars that were cut up by shards of glass and Arthur's eyes widen "My dear Tyrian" Arthur whispered to himself. Arthur sat down on the chair with his legs crossed and sighed to himself, it's only been at least an hour and Arthur almost fell asleep that was until Salem, Cinder, Emerald, Neo, Mercury, Hazel, and finally Roman came into the room. Hazel and Cinder had piles of books and Arthur's notebooks and Mercury had a blanket and Emerald had a pillow "Hello there Arthur" Salem smiled kindly "What are you guys doing here?" Arthur asked standing up "Hazel told us what happened, and that you were going to stay here so we thought we might bring you some things to keep you company" Salem explained as Cinder and Hazel put down the books and notebooks on the chair next to Arthur, and Emerald and Mercury just gave the pillow and blanket to Arthur.

"Thank you, all of you" Arthur smiled at all of them, "If you need me and Neo will be on snack duty for you" Roman said crossing his arms "I would need food pretty soon I suppose" Arthur said and then just like that Neo and Roman rushed out the room "They were really serious on that snack duty" Mercury smirked "Oh shut up Mercury" Emerald rolled her eyes "Stop it you two we are here for Arthur" Hazel put both of his hands on Emerald and Mercury's shoulders "It's quite fine Hazel, I suppose I did kinda miss Emerald and Mercury bickering at each other" Arthur laughed a bit "I don't miss it, at all" Cinder crossed her arms leaning against the wall. After Roman and Neo returned with snacks and water the rest left, leaving Arthur to the room himself as he watches over Tyrian, well he is actually reading a book right now.

Two days, it has been two days later and Arthur never left the room expect for the bathroom but right Arthur fell asleep with a blanket around him and a open book, nurses come in and out to make sure everything is going okay but without anyone around and Arthur asleep Tyrian slowly starts waking up. Tyrian looks around realizing where he was "Oh my" Tyrian whispered to himself as he saw Arthur sleeping "He waited? For me?" Tyrian asked himself, all was quiet until Neo, Emerald, Roman, and Mercury walk in.

The four of them immediately saw Tyrian awake and in absolute shock, Neo took out a paper and pen and sticks the paper on the wall writing something, and then she hands it to Roman "Uh, Neo said welcome back scorpion bastard" Roman said still in shock "What a way to wake up from a car accident and get told that" Tyrian smiles a bit and Neo thumbs up to him "Should we wake up Arthur?" Emerald asked "No need little Emerald, I'm sure he has been here quite a while" Tyrian responded with a small smile "Actually yes he has been, we only get calls from him and he has not left this spot and waited for you" Mercury crossed his arms "I never took him to be that guy who would do this, especially for me" Tyrian laughed a bit "You should have seen how worried, without Hazel telling him he kept demanding to know what was going on" Roman leaned against the wall. Soon enough the five of them started talking on what Tyrian missed, and after a while Arthur finally wakes up.

Arthur wakes up to see Tyrian awake, Arthur's eyes widen and he could almost feel himself crying. He quickly got up from his chair "Tyrian" Arthur said feeling exhilarated and quickly speed walked over to Tyrian immediately hugging him "You made me worried you idiot!" Arthur didn't let go just yet "Love you too my dear good doctor" Tyrian slowly slithered his hands around Arthur "Look at our dads" Mercury smiled "Let's give them a minute" Emerald dragged Mercury, Neo and Roman followed them out of the room. When Arthur and Tyrian let go of each other Tyrian swore he could have saw Arthur almost cry "You waited for me?" Tyrian asked holding Arthur's hand "Of course I did you idiot I'm not that selfish" Arthur said kissing Tyrian's forehead gently "I don't think I'd be that type of guy to wait for" Tyrian laughed nervously a bit "What? Of course you are! Your absolutely crazy both good and bad also chaotic, your always getting yourself in crazy shenanigans I can't keep up and that's probably one of the reasons I love you" Arthur cupped Tyrian's cheeks "That's very sweet of you my dear" Tyrian said smiling "Now if you excuse I'm going to go get the doctors and we're getting out of here" Arthur speed walked to the door "Don't think that's how it works but if you think so" Tyrian said rolling his eyes.

Three hours later Tyrian got out of the hospital, with crutches he has to walk with for a few days but Arthur was just glad to have Tyrian back. Roman and Neo were carrying the books and Arthur's notebooks and Emerald carrying the blanket and Mercury carrying the pillow "Did you guys get to the hospital with a car?" Tyrian looked over at Roman "Uh, Salem dropped us off" Roman laughed nervously a bit "Of course you did" Arthur face palms, but luckily Ironwood drove in by them and stopped "You guys need a ride?" Ironwood asked, he saw that Tyrian has recovered and could be more happier for him and Arthur "Yes thank you!" Roman cheered. Everyone got in the car and sense Neo is the shortest she got front seat, and finally they arrive home "Thank you James" Arthur patted Ironwood's shoulder and gets out of the car helping Tyrian get out the car with the crutches "Anytime Arthur I'm glad to help" Ironwood smiled as for the four they just got out and Ironwood drove away.

Arthur still helped Tyrian to get to the door, while that Emerald knocks the door and Cinder opens the door "Tyrian?" Cinder said in full shock "That's right I lived!" Tyrian laughed as he gets into the house with the other four "There he is, glad to have you back" Hazel said crossing his arms and smiles "Back with the crazy shenanigans" Cinder rolled her eyes "Oh stop it or I'll hit you with my crutches" Tyrian looked at Cinder "Try me" Cinder smirked "No one is hitting anyone right now, so please if you two can stay decent for an hour it would be great" Arthur placed one of his hands on Tyrian's shoulder. A few minutes pass Arthur and Tyrian are on the sofa with of course Arthur big spooning Tyrian and Emerald and Mercury non stop has been bothering Tyrian with questions, surprisingly it didn't bother Arthur and Tyrian much they were just glad to be in each other's arms and back together again.

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